Feng Ling didn't say anything, and let her go back and forth.

In less than ten minutes, Feng Ling and Luo Bi arrived at the Wu's villa. At this time, the Wu's house was busy, Wu Shao was working in the study, and Wu Cheng and Wu Xie were busy serving the two spoons.

Wu Shaozi's energy has just recovered, and he can't make a fuss, but Orange Spoon is restless, and he is addicted to bathing the baby beast, and now he has filled a large basin of freshly received cold water, excitedly competing with Wu Shao for the baby beast.

The orange spoon was about to be thrown into the water basin, but Wu Xie disagreed, and both sides refused to give in.

Wu Cheng didn't care about it, and sat on the big rock, basking in the sun with Wu Shaozi.

The sun after the rain is particularly warm, and the light is soft when bathing in the body. Walking on the flat stone is not to mention how pleasant it is.

As soon as Feng Ling and Luo Bi came, Wu Cheng heard the movement, got up and greeted people to sit down, and called his brother Wu Shao loudly: "Big Brother, Big Brother, Major Feng and Luo Bi are here, you come out quickly."

Wu Shao glanced through the floor-to-ceiling windows, turned off the light brain and walked out of the study.

Seeing someone coming, Orange Spoon didn't think about bathing the baby beast anymore, bypassing Wu Chuan who was holding the baby beast, and flew into the outdoor living room to listen to the adults talking. Wu Shao had discovered this problem with Orange Spoon a long time ago. He raised his eyebrows, not sure what the situation was, and winked at Feng Ling and Luo Bi who were opposite him.

"I like to listen to adults talk." Wu Shao pointed out in front of Orange Spoon.

Problem, Luo Bi laughed, took out the storage ring and gave it to Orange Spoon: "Your, Zhan Shao and Wu Shao's are given. This kind of storage ring can hold a lot of things, and you can put it in if you have any treasures."

The orange spoon ran over to pick it up, and Luo Bi just wanted to ask if you know how to use it? The orange spoon over there took out a piece of jade from the small pocket, and swished it in.

Well, Robbie shut up, who would have thought that the one who is the most troublesome and the least worrying is the one who is the smartest.

That is, cleverness is useless in the right place.

Aside from being noisy all day long, she also likes to pretend to be a white lotus, so that the white lotus has nowhere to go. Who is Feng Zifei? It is definitely not an easy method to be able to love Lin Yan so much for so many years, but such a person was defeated by Orange Spoon.

Don't say that someone backed Orange Spoon to gain power, but finding someone to back him up was a skill.

To be honest, Robbie doesn't like Orange Spoon's temperament very much. She is both good and evil, and the side of the good is dominant.

As a result, the array she made was learned like this.

Luo Bi is very entangled, and she can't throw away her array weapon if she dislikes it. Fortunately, she has just seen the clue, and it hasn't reached the point where she can't break it. Teach it slowly! If you can't teach well, you can beat her. She doesn't believe that she can't correct it.

Wu Cheng was also polite, and walked over with Wu Shaozi in his arms: "Do you have my Wu Shaozi? This time my Wu Shaozi suffered a lot. What good things do you have? It's like giving my Wu Shaozi. It's so boring at home."

"There is Wu Shao." Luo Bi was happier than the spoons, and hurriedly took out the small dustpan and wicker ball: "Two dustpans are for Wu Shao, and there are wicker balls, and the other two wicker balls are for Zhan. spoon and orange spoon."

"Hey? What is this thing? It's quite delicately made." Wu Cheng grabbed the wicker ball with one hand and looked at it twice. He hadn't seen it before, put it down, and picked up the small dustpan to study: "Where did you come from?" These little gadgets from the local market? I’ve never seen them before, and they don’t even have handles when they’re used as baskets!”

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