Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 143 Defensive Heart

"How do you say that?" Zhou Hui's expression was indifferent, making it impossible to see his thoughts.

Luo Bi smiled and said: "It's actually very simple, and there is no need for Captain Zhou to fight against anyone, as long as you also send people to sell river melon seeds in the market from tomorrow, it will be fine. Exclusive sales are the easiest to become the target of public criticism. If another company sells river melon seeds With the appearance of melon seeds, the number of people staring at us will naturally disperse and decrease."

It's a beautiful idea, but they don't have a deep friendship with each other. Why should they work for others? Zhang Tinglai became interested: "You provide us with river melon seeds?"

Luo Bi shook his head: "No, our team is small and we don't even have time to rest, so it's impossible to provide you with a lot of river melon seeds."

"Then what do you mean?" Zhang Ting raised his legs.

Luo Bi calmly threw out the bait: "Of course we can catch so many river melon seeds because of the good equipment. Our equipment can catch more than 270 catties of river melon seeds in one hour, not including red claw crabs and jumping shrimps." .”

Zhou Hui's pupils shrank, staring at her without speaking.

Zhang Ting also sat up straight, rely on me, two hundred and seventy catties of river melon seeds an hour, real or fake. Thinking about it, it should be true, otherwise someone would sell them in large quantities when they were full, which would alarm the mercenaries and hunting teams on the entire Water Xunxing.

Luo Bi was good at observing words and deeds, and when he saw this, he was confident, and continued: "Our team doesn't have time to provide you with a lot of river melon seeds, but we can lend you the equipment. Five hours a day, you can catch as much as your own."

The temptation of this deal was too great, Zhou Hui and Zhang Ting could be said to be tempted immediately. But this is not a trivial matter, borrowing equipment is equivalent to dividing up profits, Zhou Hui was worried that Luo Bi's words would not matter, so he asked cautiously: "Does your captain agree?"

"The utensils are mine," Robbie replied, implying that she had the final say on what was hers.

Then why hesitate? Zhou Hui was overjoyed: "OK, deal."

After the matter was settled, Luo Bi sat up straight and said: "Our ugly words are up front. I believe that Captain Zhou's character is the reason why he came to cooperate with Captain Zhou. The so-called good borrowing and repayment, I can lend you equipment, but don't use it. Use it and use it up, and if you come back and tell me that the utensils were washed away by the river, I will not accept that."

The so-called intention of harming others is indispensable, and the heart of defense against others is indispensable. Luo Bi is not easy to be fooled.

He still had a lot of thoughts, so even if Zhou Hui thought about it, he stopped after thinking about it. The advantages of cooperating with Luo Bi outweigh the disadvantages. If you lose your face, the gains outweigh the losses: "Don't worry, I swear in the name of Thunder Flame Warrior that such a thing will never happen."

Robbie smiled: "Who of you will follow me to get the crab pot."

"I'll walk with you personally." Zhou Hui said.

Luo Bi didn't care, there were Thunder Flame warriors moving the things off the boat, and Zhang Ting wanted to follow him to have a look, helping Jiang Yixin carry the boat, a few people walked downstream.

Returning to her own team, Luo Bi told Li Fengwenxiao about lending the equipment to Zhou Hui. Li Feng nodded and said nothing else, Wen Xiao sighed, although he was reluctant, but if they didn't want to be stared at to death, that was the only way they could do it.

It was a coincidence that Zhou Hui and Zhang Ting came here, Li Feng was going to check the crab pots, several people went out of the defensive cover together, Zhou Hui helped Li Feng pull the nine crab pots ashore.

When Zhou Hui saw with his own eyes the amount of river melon seeds caught at one time, his eyes burned a little bit. After asking how to use it, he hurried away with the crab pot and Zhang Ting.

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