Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 144 Spread the Word

Zhou Hui had already made it clear that the bait in the crab cage should be high-grade dried animal meat and cakes. After returning to his station, he asked Zhou Feng to take off the storage ring.

Zhou Feng didn't know why, so he honestly took off the ring and handed it over.

Zhou Hui picked out a few packs of jerky and cakes, and put other snacks into his storage ring.

"What are you doing? Give it back to me." Seeing that he quit, Zhou Feng stretched out his hand to snatch it back, but how could he snatch it back from his brother's hands? Zhou Feng couldn't snatch it back, so he couldn't help but to The beloved snack dropped a few drops of golden peas.

After placing the bait, the crab cage was thrown into the river. Zhou Hui and his team members were very nervous during the waiting time. An hour later, the crab cages were pulled up. Zhang Ting couldn't wait to lie down on the crab cages and take a look. The nine crab cages were so full that there was not even a single gap.

Everyone was overjoyed, and everyone was just happy. The red claw crab stepped on its companion and crawled out, and the jumping shrimp was even more straightforward, jumping out of the basin with a bounce.

"It's all out, grab it back quickly."

Someone yelled, and suddenly a group of people panicked, and it took a long time to catch the shrimp and crab that were trying to escape. Then Zhou Hui's team became active, throwing crab cages into the river, and picking shrimp and crabs over there.

There are a lot of them, and they pick them up quickly. After picking them, they talk and laugh while waiting for new river melon seeds to be pulled ashore.

The atmosphere on Zhou Hui's side was high, enjoying the joy of harvest, while Li Feng and the others downstream did not have the energy. They didn't sleep all day and all night, everyone was tired, after dinner Li Feng arranged for Jiang Yixin to stay in the middle of the night, and the others took the time to rest.

In the second half of the night, Li Feng and Wen Xiao took turns on duty, and Luo Bi was only responsible for sleeping.

The sudden appearance of a large number of river melon seeds in the market spread among the mercenary group and the hunting team that day. Lan Ze heard about it dozens of miles upstream. In the evening, he discussed with Guan Wei, the captain of the eighth combat team. After a while, send someone to inquire about the news.

Almost all the mercenary groups and hunting teams were active that night, including Gao Yunlin's team. Their team had two captains, one was Yang Yu, the captain of the seventh combat team, and the other was the fourth combat team leader. Captain Feng Zixun.

After dinner, several leaders got together to talk about the river melon seeds. Who is selling the river melon seeds and what team do they belong to? They don't know anything, so it's kind of confusing.

This time it was not Pei Yu who came out with Yang Yu, but Feng Zihui. She was understanding, and after listening for a while, she said, "I heard that the person who came out to sell river melon seeds is a woman. Why don't I go to the market tomorrow and see Let's see if we can get any useful information."

No matter what time it is, Feng Zihui is the most considerate and sensible person. Yang Yu's heart is ironed, looking at Feng Zihui with gentle eyes: "I don't worry about you going alone, find someone to accompany you."

Feng Zihui nodded docilely, and He Guixian coughed a few times, and rolled her eyes fiercely, a couple of dogs and men, who is showing affection in public? It's not embarrassing either.

These few coughs of hers were very obvious, and the others seemed to have a mirror in their hearts. But it's none of their business for Yang Yu to raise a woman outside, everyone turned a blind eye, and no one was free to take care of it.

Feng Zihui has always been sensitive, she lowered her head silently, Yang Yu frowned, and held her hand to show comfort.

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