Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1430 Scared the spoon

"Want to pluck my house's energy flowers and plants again?"

Luo Bi glared at the bear child, every time he came to dig up a few energy flowers and plants in her house, it was like losing something, what's wrong with it?

Suddenly an idea popped up, and Luo Bi took the skewers of raw ingredients and walked towards the golden osmanthus vine tree. Because she pruned it frequently, the vines didn't have many branches, and they were still the same as before. The small saplings that took root on the ground were spread on a layer, and some small buds sprouted, one by one, crowded together.

It grew well, and the branches were smooth, and they were all transplanted by her. The rest had gaps, and they grew up in the past few days.

Green branches, small buds, leaves are still fleshy, looking juicy.

Luo Bi stood still and raised her foot to touch the rooted branches on the ground: "Dig this kind, I will give you an idea, don't you want to earn interstellar coins? Come and dig two if you have time, you can dig this kind as you like, as long as you have null."

"After digging it out, you can plant it outside, on the hill, or on both sides of the road, anywhere." Luo Bi gestured outside the yard and said, "Planting a large number of energy flowers and plants can not only beautify the environment, but also purify. Waiting for you to plant If you have ten vine saplings, go to the headquarters to ask for rewards, Wei Wei and the others will definitely give you interstellar coins."

After finishing speaking, Robbie's mind started to work, and she turned back to the grill, quickly put the ingredients on the grill, dialed the energy wood, washed her hands, threw out a box of small spoon arrays, and poured them on the table pick.

Luo Bi was sitting on a chair, the table was full of red porcelain spoons, and the orange spoon was reaching out to touch, but Luo Bi scolded: "Don't move, I will chop your hands off if you move around."

The orange spoon was more imposing than Luo Bizuo, and he slapped the table hard: How dare you?

"Dare to challenge me?" Luo Bi became more fierce, shaking the red porcelain spoon in his hand: "I will break you with a move, believe it or not?"

One person and one spoon fought with each other, and soon, Orange Spoon was defeated, and Robbie frightened the spoon by staring.

Picking the table with an orange spoon: If you don't move, it won't move, who cares.

After digging for a while, the orange spoon groped for a small shovel to dig out the small vine seedlings, dug a shovel to look at Luo Bi, dug a shovel to look at Luo Bi, saw that Luo Bi didn't stop, dug a vine boldly, and dug again. next plant.

When Feng Ling came home, Luo Bi was still fiddling with the spoon.

"What are you doing?" Feng Ling looked relaxed, and took off his coat after asking.

"Choose a red porcelain spoon pawn for the orange spoon." Robbie smiled.

Feng Ling pursed her lips, washed her hands, and took over the cooking. The ingredients on the grill hadn't been turned over since they were put on the grill, Feng Ling turned them one by one, one side was cooked, the other side was raw, it was very good, Feng Ling cleaned up the mess.

"Stupid?" Robbie asked.

Feng Ling: "No problem."

Robbie didn't quite believe it. She glanced at the grill and looked away. She took a red porcelain spoon and put everything else in a cardboard box.

At this time, Orange Spoon had dug up two vine seedlings. Luo Bi called Orange Spoon over and gave it a red porcelain spoon: "Some people have no quality. When they see unowned energy flowers and plants, they will want to take advantage of them and dig them home. I will give you one." Take the spoon soldier, and when you plant the vine seedlings, let the red porcelain spoon soldier show you."

The orange spoon was happy, carried the vine seedlings and left. Luo Bi reminded it from behind: "Don't forget to find a powerful Thunder Flame warrior, and introduce abilities to your red porcelain spoon soldier."

Luo Bi reminded me that I thought Orange Spoon would go to Wei Wei and Wei Yang. After all, the Wei family was a general, but who knew, Orange Spoon went to Huaran.

Hua Ran hesitated for a moment, and introduced supernatural powers into the red porcelain spoon.

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