Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1431 Promising

After Huaran introduced the ability, her eyes fell on the red porcelain spoon, which was a bit complicated.

After pondering for a while, Hua Ran reached out to touch the red porcelain spoon, touched it lightly, and then took it back. The red porcelain spoon didn't move at all, obviously lacking in intelligence. The orange spoon didn't mind it, so he took out his pocket and gave the red porcelain spoon a small fireball to play with.

The pigs in the family are due to give birth these days, and the Luo family is busy taking care of the sows, so they hurriedly headed to the breeding area behind the hill. Orange Spoon was curious and followed, and as soon as he got to the pigsty, he heard the sow yowling.

Orange Spoon: Oh my god! Scared the spoon to death.

The two vine seedlings carried were almost thrown away in fright, the orange spoon hurriedly turned around, called its red porcelain spoon soldier, and left.

I don't want to watch the excitement anymore, Orange Spoon patted his chest with lingering fear.

Hua Ran smiled, and didn't care about the orange spoon, even the sows were afraid, promising.

"Who came just now?" Guan Zhuting asked.

"The orange spoon from Bishop Lin's house." Hua Ran replied, squatting down and gently pressing the sow's belly.

Luo Hang fed the animal feed to the pigs, a little surprised: "What are you here for?"

"He took a red porcelain spoon and asked me to import the ability." Hua Ran answered.

"Using the array to introduce abilities?" Luo Hang smiled, and stirred the cooked animal food with a spoon: "There should be no birth tonight, have you contacted the veterinarian and breeder of Zhihuangxing?" ? The survival rate of piglets is too low, urge them to come here sooner.”

"I have contacted. The veterinarian and breeder will come by spaceship early tomorrow morning." Hua Ran withdrew her hand and clicked on the communication: "I will remind you again."

When the communication was dialed out, the veterinarian was even more anxious than Hua Ran. The general gave the order. He and his colleagues had no reason to be inattentive: "Living piglets is not a trivial matter. Your family had better not sleep at night. Keep an eye on it. Tomorrow We'll be there early in the morning."

Hua Ran asked a few more questions and hung up the communication.

Orange Spoon carried the vine seedlings around, and was not very satisfied with the selection. The little guy thought about it, and carried the vine seedlings to the Emerald Star headquarters.

The next morning, Luo Bi didn't sleep in and got up early.

After a good night's sleep, Luo Bi was refreshed, washed up, put on the battle robe and skirt that Feng Ling matched, and put on her white shoes to go out.

Feng Ling was at a loss now. People who like to sleep late all day suddenly woke up early. He was not sure what happened, so he grabbed Luo Bi who was running outside: "Wake up so early, what are you doing?"

Robbie smiled all over her face: "I'll go out and look around to see where the orange spoon has planted the vine seedlings."

Suddenly, Feng Ling let go: "Go ahead, come back for dinner earlier, I'll make river fresh rice and roast pork for you."

"I'll be back soon." Robbie ran away happily.

Fan Yao was planting fields and weeding at the door, making a fuss: "What's going on today? It's only past six o'clock and why did you get up?"

Hearing this tone, Luo Bi was almost lazy.

Your mother, Robbie cursed in a low voice, pretending not to hear, looked around, and chose the south side.

Seeing that Luo Bi didn't answer, Fan Yao asked again: "It's so early in the morning, what are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Go play." Robbie trotted away.

When Fan Yao heard this, he became sour, threw away his hoe and quit. In her last marriage, she was also an idiot who only knew how to work. This marriage was chosen by herself, so she would do more if the family was tight.

But there is no comparison. Comparing with Luo Bi, this day becomes more and more boring.

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