Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1432: When a small wind blows, it will be crooked.

The air in the morning is so good that lazy people don't think about it. They really wake up, take a breath of fresh air, and feel comfortable.

It's still early tomorrow, Robbie told herself.

As for whether you can get up?

Hard to say.

Luo Bi turned around, from Zhu's house to He Yun's and Wen Xiao's houses, and then all the way to the Wu's villa, but he didn't see the familiar little vine seedlings.

Did Orange Spoon throw away the two vines last night?

Compared with the richness of the orange spoon, it is unlikely.

But Orange Spoon is unreliable, which is hard to say.

Luo Bi wandered around the door of Wu's house several times, there were many flowers and plants, but none of them were golden osmanthus vines, big or small, there were no omissions, none at all.

This is strange, Luo Bi didn't want to take a detour to Headmaster Lin's villa after walking all the way, instead of looking for it like this, it's better to ask Orange Spoon directly.

Even if you can't speak, you can make gestures, and Luo Bi can basically understand even guessing.

As a result, when I entered Wu's villa and asked, the orange spoon was not there.

"I heard from my mother that I went out at dawn, and nine times out of ten I went to kill strange beasts outside the safe zone." Wu Cheng yawned. He was moldy at home these days, and he was used to sleeping late. Wu Cheng picked up cold water to wash his face, wiped it with a towel, and looked up at the sky by the way: "What's wrong today? It's not cloudy or raining, why are you up?"

They couldn't speak one by one, Luo Bi glanced at Wu Cheng: "There are so many things."

"Is it okay to ask?!" Wu Cheng muttered, put the towel on the bamboo branch, and asked, "What are you looking for for the orange spoon?"

"What not to do?" Robbie left.

After returning home and having breakfast, Feng Ling inquired about it, only to find out that Orange Spoon had planted two vine seedlings in the headquarters of Jade Bamboo Star. Luo Bi was speechless, put away the mud stove, and ran to watch the excitement.

At this time, the guards of the Emerald Bamboo Star were watching the two young seedlings, whispering to each other.

Luo Bi got out of the car and asked, Wei Wei stepped on the soil in front of the two small vine seedlings, and said: "Last night, the orange spoon ran away without burying the strong seedlings, and did not water them. Also, the two vine seedlings have some The leaves are black, and I don’t know what’s going on?”

"Transplanted from your house?" Wei Wei followed up and asked.

Luo Bi nodded, Huang Chao brought a small bucket of water, Wei Wei stepped aside and gave Huang Chao his seat.

The two vines were not big, less than a foot high, and they were dug with an orange spoon. Huang Chao watered the vines one by one. It may not be alive, but it must be rescued, which is just a matter of a bucket of water.

Luo Bi also didn't know why the leaves turned black when they were in good condition. From this, it can be seen that the orange spoon is not in tune, and the tree is not well planted if it wants to earn interstellar coins.

He didn't even shovel the soil a few times, but as soon as Huang Chao watered it, the plants crooked.

This is why Wei Wei stepped on it because he couldn't stand it, otherwise, he didn't need to water it, and it would be crooked when the wind blows.

Wei Wei said with emotion: "The orange spoon is a treasure! Careful thinking of a set, one out today, one out tomorrow, thanks to Wu Shao's help, otherwise Lin Yanchong's temper, really can't handle it."

This is not entirely true, now that Orange Spoon is doing well, everyone knows how to earn interstellar coins.

Luo Bi sent a small bag of medicine dregs ash to the headquarters, explaining the use, Wei Wei received it in his hand, with a distorted expression: "Don't you think it's a disaster to use such precious medicine dregs ash on half-dead vines?" ?"

Robbie snorted, got into the car and was about to leave.

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