Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1434 Can't find the spoon

Orange Spoon doesn't know how to settle accounts, and doesn't know how much or how little he has earned, so he flicked and pulled the small pocket, pulled out the grass that had been collected, and saw that Lan Xun was going to discuss business with someone, so he poked at him.

Lan Xun turned around and handed over a handful of grass with an orange spoon: This one is sold.

Lan Xun looked down: "No."

Turning around, Lan Xun continued to negotiate the price with the Thunder Flame warrior on the opposite side: "The maximum one alien beast is 1,000 interstellar coins, I want all of these, and you will catch up with the initial construction of our Emerald Star Dungeon, otherwise, this price It can't be sold either."

The orange spoon poked Lan Xun again, Lan Xun glanced at it, and the orange spoon handed over the picked grass again: sell it to you.

"No." Lan Xun turned back again.

Why not? The orange spoon continued to poke, and Wu Cheng ran over to pull it: "Oh my little ancestor, grass is everywhere, no one cares about it, so don't worry about selling it, no one wants it."

Without throwing the orange spoon, the two Leiyan warriors who were negotiating the price with Lan Xun glanced at it, then looked away.

"Add some more to each one." One of the Thunder Flame warriors was pitiful: "At this time, the situation outside the planet is unknown, and monsters fly by from time to time. It is not easy for our team to complete a mission. Add some more, and our business has been closed. .”

Just as Lan Xun was about to speak, Orange Spoon tugged at his sleeve, saying that he would sell him the weeds he had gathered.

"I really don't want it." Lan Xun wanted to cry but had no tears.

The members of the hunting team laughed: "This weapon is interesting, and it's quite serious about interstellar coins."

Orange Spoon didn't care about other people's topics, so he held up the grass that had fallen from his hand, and stuffed it into Lan Xun's hand: "I'll sell the grass to you, and I'll give you interstellar coins."

Orange Spoon persevered, and Lan Xun, who was so entangled, had no choice but to accept the interstellar coins. After paying the bill, Cao returned to Orange Spoon: "Take it back, I'm useless."

Orange Spoon was stunned, and the person from the opposite hunting team smiled and said, "You dare to come to the dungeon to sell a single piece of grass, boy, you can do it! Hurry up and leave! You have made money, and you have never seen such a clever array."

"Yes, yes, let's leave quickly!" Wu Cheng pulled the orange spoon and left.

The orange spoon didn't go away, Lan Xun returned the grass to it, and it sold it again. Lan Xun has one head and two big ones. If he knew that Orange Spoon had taken a handful of grass and sold it to him repeatedly, he wouldn't change hands and stuff it into Orange Spoon's hands, how nice it would be to throw it away.

Lan Xun only wanted to coax the child, and gave the orange spoon another star coin, and waved his hand: "Okay, you sold a handful of grass twice, and you made a lot of money, hurry up and go back with Wu Cheng! Don't stay here Confused me."

Lan Xun clenched his hands tightly and said nothing to change hands. Orange Spoon waited for a while, seeing that there was no bargain to be had, he happily followed Wu Cheng out of the trading square in the center of the dungeon.

Looking at the terminal while walking the orange spoon, it may have been too focused, it got into the bushes several times.

When Wu Cheng turned around, he couldn't find the spoon.

The bored dungeon worker drank tea, saw clearly, and pointed to the bushes: "I kept my head down and didn't look at the road, the orange spoon got into the leaves of the tree." After speaking, he burst out laughing.

Wu Cheng scraped through the bushes, dragged Orange Spoon out and got on the hover car, and left as soon as the door was closed, he was worried that Orange Spoon would make a fuss again.

After noon, Zhan Shaozi continued to follow Luo Bi to learn weeding, but Luo Bi didn't believe in religion and knew it.

Orange Spoon made a small fortune, took a small notebook and a pen and went out, looking for someone to teach it a lesson, it needs to learn how to calculate accounts.

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