Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1435 Orange Spoon Class

Orange Spoon went to find Robbie, but Robbie didn't dare to take on the job, and gave it advice: "You go to Colonel Roger, he likes to teach you, and Colonel Roger's teaching is better than mine."

Roger likes to teach the spoons the art of war and strategy. With this enthusiasm, he must teach other subjects as well.

Orange Spoon was obedient, holding a small notebook and a pen, and went to find Roger.

Luo Bi and Feng Ling sent it there, explaining why, and the student Luo Jie accepted it. He Yun came over to compete with Luo Jie for the student, only one orange spoon, and whoever got the other would not be reconciled.

Finally, two people teach together.

One of them is the colonel of the Fengyao Empire, and the other is the captain of the tenth combat team. It is impossible to teach at home because there is no time.

So, Orange Spoon took its small notebook and pen, and followed the two into the headquarters of Jade Star. Luo Jie and He Yun called it whoever was free. It doesn't matter if neither of them is free, some people are willing to teach Orange Spoon, and if they can't see for a while, Orange Spoon is abducted.

Orange Spoon has been studying for an entire afternoon, and he can write one to five. After all, he can recognize the crooked and crooked. Roger has a great sense of accomplishment. He has private goods in his teaching, and he instills military strategy in Orange Spoon.

The Orange Spoon book is closed, and I don’t want to study anymore.

The sows in Luo's family struggled for a long time, and the sows could not climb up and down after giving birth. Fortunately, there were so many people, so they stopped the sows from spinning around in the production area. The production area was built temporarily, and some hay was sprinkled in the open space at the foot of the hill, which became the temporary production area, and the sows were removed after giving birth.

The sow is not small in size, and this is the first litter. For unknown reasons, the production time has been delayed again and again. The sow was not feeling well, she lay down on the rocks for a while and grunted, and for a while she burrowed at the plants on the ground.

The breeder said: "Feed it some food."

Luo Hang had already prepared the animal feed. Hearing this, he brought the cooked animal feed to the sow. The sow was probably hungry too, she stuck her head in the pot and bowed twice, lying on the ground and humming.

Luo Hang frowned: "Don't eat."

The veterinarian said: "Think of a way to let the sows eat, otherwise they won't have the energy to give birth."

Even though the veterinarians and breeders are used to this kind of situation, they are a little anxious. If they don't give birth when it comes time to give birth, it's no wonder they are not in a hurry.

The people who came to see the new pigs saw that the sows would not eat, and grunted in pain, and were anxious to follow, but it was a pity that they couldn't use their strength.

If sows are not producing, veterinarians and breeders may have a solution.

other people? No way.

"It's been a whole day since morning." Someone sighed.

"Little piglets have a low survival rate, and now it's even worse." The man was enthusiastic, and shouted at the veterinarian and breeder: "Why don't you give birth yet, think of a way."

"That's right, it's been almost a day." Jiang Yixin came over since morning, sat on a rock beside her and ate a pancake, and then handed a piece to Li Feng and Qin Cui each: "Stuff your stomach first, I'm starving to death."

Qin Cui was really hungry, took the pancake and took a bite. The veterinarian checked the condition of the sow: "Wait a minute, it's not uncommon. The longest time is tossing for a day and a night."

"What? Didn't the piglets suffocate to death for such a long time?" Wu Cheng carried the dustpan into the yard.

Wu Shaozi sat in the dustpan, covered with a small quilt and hugged Qiuqiu obediently, making everyone's faces bloody.

Qin Cui's eyes lit up: "It's so cute, and the little quilt, the little pillow, and the spoon are so cute."

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