Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1436 Not born yet

Hearing someone praise him, Wu Shaozi became more and more well-behaved.

The sow of the Luo family was the first to give birth to a calf since the establishment of the safety zone on Feizhuxing. Master Zhu, He Yun, and Wei Wei came here in the evening. After seeing the sow's situation, they knew that there was still waiting, so they pulled up the chair. Sit down and take your time.

Naturally, Luo Bi also heard about it, and hesitated for a moment before going to have a look. She was not in a hurry, if she was in a hurry, she would have gone to have a look.

That's right, she's free at the moment, and just took Zhan Shao to go out for a stroll, looking for someone to chat with.

Throwing the small hoe with the spoon, he was relieved, this job is really not done by the spoon. Luo Bi also threw away the small hoe, roughly cleaned up the weeds, threw some to the poultry, and picked up a few eggs by the way and put them in the small wicker basket.

Carrying the small basket, Luo Bi jumped off the plantation field to look for Fengling: "Fengling, that sow hasn't given birth yet, I'll go and have a look."

Feng Ling was counting the supplies, when she heard the words, she turned her head and saw that she had taken the food, she nodded: "Go, remember to come back for dinner."

Robbie nodded: "I'll just go around and be back in a while."

Feng Ling believed these words, Luo Bi stayed at home for a whole day, maybe she was bored, so she found a reason to go out for a walk. This is Luo Bi's character, Feng Ling is happy to see this, watching Luo Bi run away, and then looks away.

When Luo Bi entered her natal family's house, Master Zhu, He Yun, Wei Wei and others were spending time with Luo Hang's family, Jiang Yixin and Li Feng circled around the sow, Luo Qing and Luo Heng helped Guan Zhuting to the kitchen area to prepare ingredients.

Zhu Xingjie, Zhu Xingsu and other children gathered together, some leaning on the stone hill, some sitting on the bench, staring at the sow climbing up and down, seeing the sow running out of the production area, bluffing in surprise.

"Hurry up, stop it!" Zhu Xingrong jumped and ran into the production area to help stop it.

Jiang Yixin stuffed all the biscuits into his mouth, and dragged his tail: "Don't run, don't run, come back and give birth to piglets."

Li Feng's big hand on the pig's head froze: "..." When you can't speak reliably, if you let the pig come back to give birth, the pig may not understand.

Bai Kai rushed into the sow production area, and stood in front of Li Feng to push the pig's head, Li Feng said: "Zhu Xingrong, you and Zhu Xingshao intercept from both sides, be careful not to let it rush out of the production area."

The sow is big and once she gets out of the fence, it is very difficult to get her back.

Therefore, when they found that the sow had the intention of rushing out, the Thunder Flame warriors immediately stopped them with their hands.

This sow has never stopped today, and wants to hit once from time to time, and everyone has cooperated very tacitly.

Luo Bi saw this scene as soon as she arrived, and immediately ran to Xu Yi and Lan Hong to watch. The sow groaned angrily and roared suddenly, making everyone jump. Don't underestimate the sows, they are all wild boars before they are raised, and their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the sow was exhausted and lay down to rest.

Luo Bi was also frightened just now, and went to the tea table to listen to the Thunder Flame warriors talking. The veterinarian came back after inspecting the sows and shook his head: "The first half of the night was terrible. According to this situation, the survival rate is not high. I'm afraid that many piglets will be lost."

He faced Luo Hang and said, "Look, if production starts in the first half of the night, the survival rate will be half and half."

"Can't you think of a way?" Patriarch Zhu first asked Luo Hang, and then said: "For example, induce labor or something?"

The breeder answered: "If it doesn't work, induce labor, but I still recommend natural labor."

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