Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1439 It's Right To Be Unbalanced

"Two nutritious eggs." Zhu Xingshao answered quickly, holding up two fingers.

Zhu Xingbao nodded vigorously, and kept huh: "Luo Bi gave it to the pig."

Robbie poked his finger on the back of his head, and the little guy turned around: "What are you doing?"

Robbie ignored him, and he didn't forget the two eggs. As for it! In her previous life, her family had pigs. When the pigs gave birth, they could feed them two eggs without eating. When the pigs had an appetite, their physical strength would naturally be replenished.

At that time, eggs were very common, unlike now, nutritious eggs are rare.

There will be no shortage of meat in the era of interstellar currency in the future, and you can eat the meat of exotic animals casually, but the low-level alien meat will make your cheeks flustered.

Just like that fish head, Luo Bi's family bought a fish head once in the previous life, but I don't know what kind of fish, anyway, the fish head can't be faked. It must be a real fish head, the price is very cheap, and many people bought it that time.

They are all ordinary people, greedy for cheap.

As a result, every family stewed fish heads at noon that day. Regardless of whether they were well-crafted or messy, the stewed fish heads were unpalatable. How to describe it? Just like that dry wood, it doesn't smell fishy at all, it's dry, Robbie laughed at that time.

Damn, I will never buy this kind of fish head again in my life.

The cheap ones are not good, and the fish head tastes dry and woody, which is comparable to the common ingredients in the future interstellar era.

At that time, it was enough for Luo Bi to eat it once, but who knows, people are not as good as heaven, and after traveling to the future of interstellar coins for 18,000 years, they will eat this kind of deceitful stuff again.

There is no way, ordinary families can only eat ordinary ingredients, and it is okay to eat nutritious ingredients once in a while.

Eat every day? Can't afford it.

The family conditions are here, you have to eat if you don't want to, it's all nonsense.

Spicy and sour, sweet and salty, sour and astringent, salty and sour, bitter and spicy and tongue astringent, no matter which one you eat, it’s so good, it’s indescribable.

Luo Bi fed two nutritious eggs to the pigs. Look at each of them. The pigs are not bad if they eat them. A sow is worth more interstellar coins than nutritious eggs. Luo Bi doesn't care about the process, she only cares about the effect, as long as the effect is good.

After cracking two eggs, the sow can't eat anymore.

Robbie didn't know much except feeding eggs to pigs.

With this little knowledge, I will use it now, better than waiting for veterinarians and breeders there.

"What? What did you say you fed it?" The breeder thought he had heard correctly, and asked again.

He Yun heard it clearly, and replied, "Two nutritious eggs."

After finishing speaking, the corners of He Yun's mouth twitched. Ordinary people would be reluctant to eat nutritious eggs, but Luo Bi was lucky enough to feed them to pigs, even two at a time. Really, He Yun smiled, and didn't know how to evaluate it.

In fact, it's no wonder that Jiang Yixin and Zhu Xingbao were indignant, people didn't get this kind of treatment, the pigs were eaten first, and it was right to feel unbalanced.

Luo Hang raised his eyebrows, and before reprimanding Luo Bi, the veterinarian said, "It's good if you can eat it. If it can improve the survival rate of piglets, it's worth feeding two nutritious eggs, but I don't know if it will have this effect."

Luo Hang closed his mouth, dragged the feeder bowl to the sow's mouth, and drove it to eat. The sow took two bites and smelled it with her nose, but it didn't smell that way, so she stopped eating.

Obviously, the sow is still thinking about the nutritious eggs.

"You still know how to be picky eaters." Luo Hang laughed angrily, mixed pig and animal feed, and continued to drive the sows to eat: "How can there be so many nutritious eggs for you to eat, eating two is enough for you, and you are still thinking about it." , hurry up and eat."

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