Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1440 Really Incomparable

The sow wobbled back and forth, looking like she had lost her appetite.

With quick hands, Luo Bi cracked another nutritious egg and threw it in. The sow jumped on it with a groan, and her big head plunged into the animal feed basin. Hua Ran and Li Feng were not slow to react. One dragged the pig and the other stirred the animal feed.

Afterwards, Li Feng let go of his hand, and the sow broke free, and threw herself on the animal feed basin, stepping in with her front hooves to eat eagerly and fiercely.

"You gave the pig another nutritious egg?!" Zhu Xingbao complained, with a small expression on the verge of tears: "Why are you so bad, you gave the pig three and didn't give me one."

These words seemed familiar, just now Jiang Yixin seemed to say that, comparing himself with a pig, because he couldn't compare, and his psychology was extremely unbalanced.

Only foodies can feel the mood of a foodie, and other people are speechless except for speechless.

"Go aside for me!" Zhu Xingshao paid attention to pigs and didn't want to see foodies, so he took Zhu Xingbao's collar and threw it aside: "Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat, sows can give birth to piglets, can you give birth?"

Qin Cui who just came back with a glass of water: "..." She just went to pour a glass of water, and it has risen to the question of whether she will be born or not? !

Li Feng: "······??" What does it mean that the topic keeps developing in a weird direction?

Wei Wei laughed suddenly, and said seriously: "'s really incomparable."

Zhu Xingbao choked: "..." He couldn't give birth.

Robbie also laughed, and then, a group of people messed up.


The sow is about to give birth, and the three nutritious eggs are not free. This time it is really about to give birth. The elderly veterinarian and the young breeder are still suspicious. When the sow groans and lies down, the two panic .

Fortunately, the veterinarian was not in vain, so he quickly calmed down and ordered other people to help.

Warrior Lei Yan hurriedly washed his hands, turned around, and almost forgot what he was going to do. The children slipped down from the rocks and ran to the production area with a huff, all with excited faces.

"What do we need to do? The veterinarian can just say, we can do it well." The children scrambled for fear that they would not get the job.

Zhu Xingbao nodded vigorously: "I'm very capable."

Master Zhu thought they were causing trouble, and just as he was about to chase them away, he heard the sow grunt and give birth to a piglet. The production speed is so fast that people who have been waiting for a day are dumbfounded. In the blink of an eye, Mr. one is ready? !

The sow just lay down, okay, now it's giving birth?

Everyone couldn't believe it, and looked at the little piggy with good eyes.

The veterinarian skillfully picked up the piglet, tore off the afterbirth, and picked the sticky stuff in the piglet's mouth.

After finishing all this, the veterinarian weighed the piglet's weight, and handed it to the excited breeder: "It's not small, it weighs more than three catties."

"More than three catties is too big, no wonder it's not easy to give birth to." The breeder was young and had a happy face. He took the piglets and wiped them again, and carefully put them into the incubator.

Although the piglets are small, the brood box is not small, and the price is very high. This is not the main thing, the main thing is that ordinary people do not have a way to buy it, and you may not be able to buy it if you have interstellar coins.

This incubator was purchased by the Zhihuangxing Garrison Base. General Qi Lan thought of everything, and asked the veterinarian and breeder to bring it together.

In the past, Luo Hang's breeding was relatively rough, and there were only two or three live in a litter.

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