Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1466 busy feet do not touch the ground

Orange Spoon is very arrogant, Luo Bi has a way. Seeing the chief officer's clumsy tongue, she raised her chin and signaled Lin Yanchong to look at the bag in Zhu Xingsubaru's hand. Lin Yanchong has a straightforward mind and usually doesn't know how to play tricks, but this time he understood immediately.

So, in front of the orange spoon, he beat the millet bird, and Lin Yanchong picked it up with a bag behind him.

When Orange Spoon is happy, it likes its own adults to surround itself, and other people's children to go away! When the little guy was happy, he brushed and caught the millet bird, and Wei Wei, Wu Cheng and others were taken aback for a while.

Fuck you, master!

The millet bird chirped and scolded, and the orange spoon slapped the bird's head, and the bird died.

Throwing it back, Bishop Lin hurriedly caught it and put it in his pocket.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to their mother and son, Feng Zifei hesitated for a moment, turned around and left with her acquaintances.

As soon as she left, Luo Bi divided Wu Cheng and Zhu Xingzhi with a handful of mud balls each, and the three of them opened the way and set up another battlefield. Wei Wei brought a bodyguard to cover. At the beginning, when Robbie brought it up, he didn't understand what to cover. Wait for Robbie to blow up a millet bird with a small mud ball?

Wu Cheng, who was studying the mud ball, raised his head and said, "...Damn it."

A millet bird heard it, and turned back, chirping: "Fuck you, bah bah!"

The millet bird is just such a thing, and it comes when you open your mouth when you curse. The problem is that Wu Cheng didn't scold it at all, and he opened his mouth when he heard it.

Wei Wei's eyes lit up: "There is such a thing, it really needs to be hidden."

Not many people were brought by Wei Wei, a dozen or so people spread out in all directions, covering for the bomber without a trace.

Luo Bi, Wu Cheng, and Zhu Xingzhi fought hard in the planting field, smashing the team of millet birds to pieces, and the pickers behind were so busy that they didn't touch the ground.

From far away, other people only saw this team and thought it was very noisy, and the place where they passed was startled.

Others, no one doubted, after all, the farming field is very messy. There are many birds and many people, and it is a mess. If you don't observe carefully, it is difficult to find abnormalities.

Half an hour later, the two teams converged, and then dispersed again, dividing into several teams in twos and threes to fight separately.

Luo Bi rushed to her family's planting field and was relieved. The millet birds were not concentrated here, so the situation of wheat was not very bad. She cleaned it up and patrolled back and forth.

Now that there are more people, she has free time to take a breather and walk back and forth in several nearby planting fields.

"What are you looking for?" Zhu Xingzhi walked past her and asked.

"Look." Robbie replied, walked to another ridge of wheat field, and continued to search.

Bai Juan was attacking the millet bird, turned around curiously: "Luo Bi, what are you looking for?"

Just as Luo Bi was about to perfunctory, several millet birds suddenly flew up from the wheat field, Bai Juan quickly threw mud balls, and Luo Bi also struck. In the blink of an eye, all five millet birds were killed and fell into the wheat field.

Wei Tiao hurriedly picked up the bag and ran over to pick it up. Luo Bi turned her head and continued to walk around.

Soon, Robbie found a group of small creatures with wings, not far in front, several of them were running around at a very fast speed. Luo Bi hurriedly chased after him, Bai Juan watched in confusion, not knowing what Luo Bi was running for.

When Robbie caught up, she realized it was a brood of very small chickens.

She knew this kind of chick. She saw it once in a wheat field when she was a child.

Commonly known as walking chicken, that is, small pheasant, which is smaller than partridge chicken.

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