Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1467 I just like to make money silently

This kind of little pheasant mostly lives in rice fields, wheat fields, and bamboo forests and grasslands. It is small in size, runs fast, but does not fly high. It is usually used to foraging in the grass, and its food is mainly grains and grass seeds.

The walking chicken is not only small in size, but also ugly in appearance, gray and chestnut brown.

Walking chickens are all gray and not lost, only the chicken head to the entire back, there is a clear chestnut brown line, so some planets also call this small pheasant chicken small chestnut.

Due to the scarcity of walking chickens, there are few quest teams in dungeons to sell them, but their nutritional value is not low.

When Luo Bi saw it, he naturally wouldn't let it go. Seeing the walking chicken crossing the ridge and getting into the next ridge of wheat, she called Bai Juan, Wei Niao, and Zhu Xingzhi to catch it together.

"Bai Juan, Zhu Xingzhi, come quickly, come quickly." Luo Bi only called people, but didn't say what she was doing, she was like this, she never made a fuss, she just liked to make money silently.

Bai Juan and Zhu Xingzhi were busy frying birds and had no time to care about other things. Bai Juan turned around and said, "What are you doing? I'm busy."

A child's thinking is to let it go if there is something urgent, and if there is nothing important, then let it go.

Wei Tiao was not in a hurry, dragged his pockets and ran along the field: "What are you doing?"

It's okay to call someone over, Luo Bi subconsciously looked around.

They are all members of his own team, but Luo Bi still pointed to the wheat field next to him, lowered his voice and said: "Look ahead, the second ridge of wheat from my side, I just found a nest of small chickens, run that one It's gone, let's go over and see if we can catch it."

Wei Tiao's eyes lit up, and he nodded: "Okay, let's go quietly, try not to disturb the little pheasant, this kind of little pheasant is not easy to catch, it is said that it runs fast, and generally it cannot be caught."

Luo Bi nodded, and the two of them walked lightly towards the ridge of wheat where the chickens appeared. When they got close, Luo Bi and Wei Tiao found the little chickens looking for food at the same time. It's a litter.

Before the two of them could move, Walking Chicken felt the wind and grass, quickly crossed the ridge, and ran away.

Luo Bi and Wei Tiao reacted very quickly, and chased after them. The Rooster is small in size, and it is easy to be lost when walking through the wheat fields. The two chased after each other and ran all over the place.

Run from one field to another, chase from wheat field to rice field.

In the beginning, Luo Bi and Wei Tiao chased together, but then the chicken ran away separately, and the two also split up to pursue. Originally, there were five or six chickens in a litter, but as a result, fewer and fewer chickens were chasing after them.

After chasing several fields, the children in the central area watched suspiciously, and Luo Bi slowed down, pretending to be nonchalant and threshing the ears of rice on the top of the rice stalks.

Several children exchanged winks, and a very clever child asked, "What are you looking for?"

"See if there are any winged rabbits?" Luo Bi replied half-truthfully. After speaking, she leaned over to look at the rice paddy next to her, and walked the chicken into it. I don't know if I can find it later?

Thinking in my heart, I looked at the other side again, pretending to be like that.

The child snorted, "You may not be able to find the winged rabbit either."

What the child said was true, and he nodded in agreement after he finished speaking. The captain of the Little Thunder Flame Warrior in the central area also had the same idea, and he dispelled his doubts and said: "We have almost beaten the millet birds here, let's go to the north of Zhichangtian Go, there are many millet birds over there."

"Yes, let's shoot more millet birds, the millet birds are delicious."

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