Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1472 Enough is enough

Next, everyone began to clean up the planting fields, and then distributed the harvest.

Feng Ling and Luo Bi's team gained the most, followed by the Emerald Bamboo Star Guard led by He Yun, as well as the children's team in several districts and the Thunder Flame Warrior hunting team. Scattered residents also killed a lot of birds.

Anyone who dares to come out and fight with the millet bird is not a good person, and there is no reason to return empty-handed.

Everyone feels distressed when the crops are destroyed, but looking at the harvest, everyone is very happy. Comparing the two, they still harvested more. After thinking about it, everyone became psychologically balanced, and happily went back to the safe area to distribute the harvested millet birds.

At this time, it was already very dark, and all the people who joined Fengling's team went to the headquarters of Jade Bamboo Star. The headquarters occupies a large area, and it is the most suitable venue for distributing supplies.

Under the bright lights, the open space in front of the Emerald Star Headquarters was full of people.

Wen Xiao, He Yun, and Wei Wei were in charge of distributing supplies, Feng Ling, Zhu Jiazhu, and Wen Yao were doing statistics, and the others gathered to discuss the battle situation enthusiastically. The women are in charge of cooking. The meat is ready-made, and the millet bird and the winged rabbit eat whatever they want, and the leftovers are distributed.

There is no shortage of ingredients in the headquarters. Lan Xun opened the material warehouse and moved out several boxes of fresh vegetables, ingredients and other ingredients.

"You look at it, tell me what's missing." Lan Xun said.

Mrs. Zhu opened the vegetable box and seasoning box to look at them, nodded and said: "These are enough, you go to work!"

Lan Xun went to the side where the supplies were distributed, and listened to everyone talking.

The children couldn’t be idle, some were in charge of boiling water, some were in charge of carrying firewood, they ran around without touching the ground, and the energy of the children was jaw-dropping. When they were happy, they never seemed to know what was tired.

Luo Bi couldn't do it anymore, she was held in Feng Ling's arms and her eyelids were fighting, Feng Ling simply hugged her on her lap, wrapped her in a soft fur blanket, and said in a low voice: "Go to sleep for a while, and then you will sleep later." I'll call you for dinner."

Hearing this, Robbie closed his eyes and became dazed.

Feng Ling smiled fondly, stretched out her hand to tuck the animal fur blanket, hugged Luo Bi into her arms, and continued to count the numbers.

Master Zhu only glanced at it, then looked away, he was good enough to his wife, and it didn't hurt so much.

After a while, Patriarch Zhu said, "You can send Luo Bi home first."

Feng Ling was happy to sleep in her arms, raising her eyebrows: "No need."

Wen Yao sneered, Patriarch Zhu Bai has grown up for several years, but he is so blind. Wen Yao took the tea on the table, took a sip, and kindly poured a cup for Master Zhu and Feng Ling.

Zhu Xingjie greeted the idle children, and each of them took several millet birds, as well as winged rabbits, chickens, and ducks to the small waterfall. After the children in charge of boiling water brought the hot water over, they threw the millet bird, chicken, and duck into the hot water basin, scalded them, and took them out to pluck their hairs.

Below the small waterfall is a stream, a shallow river, gurgling by. The children each chose a place and squatted down to pluck their hair. After the bacon is cleaned, the belly is cut open with scissors, and the chicken and duck offal are cleaned by children.

One was picked up, and one was sent to the temporary open-air kitchen area. The women marinated it, put it on the grill, and stewed it in the pot.

Some are chopped into pieces and fried with vegetables.

Not long after, a strong fragrance wafted out from the Emerald Star Headquarters, making Zhu Xingbao swallow his saliva.

Jiang Yixin was also drooling, and the two of them had no resistance to food all the way.

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