Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1473 The beauty of the orange spoon

Orange Spoon watched eagerly as everyone distributed supplies, and circled around Wen Xiao, He Yun, and Wei Wei.

After finishing his work, Wen Xiao tilted his head and said to it: "It's not for you. You have moved all of your own back to your home. If you didn't put it with us, it's not for you."

Orange Spoon froze, is this the case? It moved its own home?

Orange Spoon ran up to Wen Xiao, waved his hands and reasoned: I have my share.

"Don't be unreasonable, it's nothing to you." Wen Xiao called Lin Yanchong: "Take good care of your child, it's nothing but trouble."

Lin Yanchong can be regarded as convinced of this little ancestor, walked over and pulled the orange spoon aside, and pointed out his share to the orange spoon: "This is our family, watch it, don't go over there to make trouble, warrior Leiyan We are all busy."

The orange spoon picked and pulled, and it was full of millet birds. The owner was not satisfied, and took advantage of Wei Niao and Qin Cui's inattention, picked up a few chickens and ducks, and left.

Walking chickens, walking ducks and winged rabbits were almost all caught by women, Lei Yan soldiers did not participate, Wei Niao and Qin Cui were entrusted with important tasks, and were counting the numbers, when they heard the voice, they were stunned.

"Orange Spoon, bring it back." Qin Cui called Orange Spoon.

Orange Spoon took care of this, covering the chicken and the duck without letting go.

Wei Tiao hurried to find Luo Bi, Feng Ling took Luo Bi who was sleeping into his arms, and said lightly, "Give me a few orange spoons."

When Feng Ling opened her mouth, Wei Tiao didn't worry anymore. She and Qin Cui only had to count the numbers, but they didn't have the right to distribute them. The Orange Spoon dragged a small basket and threw the Liuyou Duck and the Liuyou Chicken into it, which belonged to it.

Orange Spoon relies on itself as the smallest weapon, and is not polite to anyone.

The women see it cute, and let it do everything, the beauty of the orange spoon, lying on the edge of the small basket and watching the chickens and ducks are silly. After a while, Orange Spoon ran to the kitchen area to get green vegetables. Mrs. Zhu snatched the juicy green vegetables and gave it a few plucked leaves.

The orange spoon returned to the small basket, and threw the vegetable leaves to the chicken and the duck.

Wu Cheng also thought about it, and planned to exchange the millet bird and Wei Tiao for the chickens: "I will exchange fifteen millet birds for your five chickens, how about it? The meat of one millet bird is worth a chicken." , the chicken is so small."

Wei Tiao is not at a disadvantage, the little girl thought about it and nodded: "Yes."

After the exchange between the two, Wu Cheng turned around and asked Mrs. Zhu and He Xiang to exchange ducks. Walking a duck is even rarer than walking a chicken, and it is not easy to meet. Mrs. Zhu and He Xiang shook their heads after hearing this.

"No, I haven't eaten it myself." He Xiang refused.

Mrs. Zhu had eaten the duck before, but she also shook her head: "I won't trade with you, you can find someone else!"

Wu Cheng asked around, and came back to pester the two of them again. Mrs. Zhu and He Xiang lost their temper after being tortured, and agreed to exchange. Mrs. Zhu gave Wu Cheng three Walking Ducks in exchange, and He Xiang gave him two in exchange for a total of five Walking Ducks.

Luo Huan didn't have as much face as Wu Cheng. After asking around, he exchanged fifty millet birds for two ducks and a chicken.

After the distribution of supplies was over and the dinner was ready, the Thunder Flame warriors went into the kitchen area to help serve the dishes.

Some of the ingredients on the grill were also served, and others were served according to personal taste. Dozens of tables were opened, and everyone sat down after washing their hands.

At this moment, everyone was hungry, swallowing the smell, and everyone was rude to the delicious food on the table, and Feng Juanyunyun opened it up to eat.

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