Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1474 It's hard to say that people can't eat

They ate a meal very late, thinking about the coming winter, the Thunder Flame warriors were worried.

"There is still one and a half months before winter comes, and the time is obviously not enough. Let's observe for two days first, and if it doesn't work, we will go on a mission." Qin Yilang sighed: "At present, not only the reserves of Jade Bamboo Star are insufficient, but also the reserves of Burning Emperor Star."

He Yun frowned: "Master Zhu and the captain of the guard are also worried about this issue. We will make preparations in the past two days to see if we can go on a mission on a nearby planet. If there is a situation, we can return to Feizhu as quickly as possible if we are close. star."

Master Zhu and Wei Wei nodded. The Jade Bamboo Star has a star-suppressing array, so they are not worried about the large-scale attack of monsters.

There are fewer people coming, and they are just exterminated, so I am afraid that the monsters will not come.

With the Zhenxing array plate, he dared to speak big words, this is the confidence.

"No rush, let's make full preparations first." Feng Ling handed Luo Bi a mouthful of duck soup. The man had no expression on his face, but his movements were familiar.

Let's talk about this topic.

The status of the sitting is not ordinary, and they usually have the habit of not talking about food at the dinner table, but now the matter of stocking winter ingredients is imminent, and everyone can't take care of these, so they start talking while eating.

Luo Bi had just woken up, still a little bit listless, swallowed the soup, listening to the conversation of the Thunder Flame warriors on one side, and on the other side, looking at Feng Zifei who led her son to the table for dinner.

I have to say that this woman Feng Zifei is really not simple, she is so shameless in Zhitian, she even wants to come to eat at this time.

It's hard to say that people can't afford it. Apart from Jiang Yuanhao's mother, Feng Zifei is also the cousin of Feng Zixun, the captain of the fourth combat team. Just calling Jiang Yuanhao Lin Yanchong's father, Feng Zifei is qualified to accompany her son to dinner.

What's more, the captain of the combat team is eligible to bring family members, and Feng Zifei is also Feng Zixun's family members.

Luo Bi sighed, full of sympathy for the chief officer, Lin Yanchong, who married such a woman by mistake back then, and never thought of getting rid of her in this life. Therefore, in the interstellar era, children are the key. If you get married and have children, you will not be able to shake it if you get stuck.

Don't say that the child is not yours, he calls you father if it is not yours.

If you married someone's mother, you have to admit it.


It's okay, someone will treat you naturally.

From the joint marriage institutions of the three major galaxies to the marriage institutions of the empires to which they belong, layer by layer, group by group, you who are kept and suppressed are obedient.

The rules were established tens of thousands of years ago, and they still can't cure you?

Just because Feng Zifei gave birth to a son after marriage, she held Lin Yanchong in the palm of her hand. No matter whether you are aggrieved or not, you have to take over what should be taken over. Who told you not to have eyes.

deserve it!

Luo Bi complained silently, Feng Ling followed Luo Bi's line of sight, snorted, reached out and turned Luo Bi's face, and put a spoonful of duck soup into Luo Bi's mouth: "Eat."

Luo Bi was still sleepy, she drank the soup obediently, and lay limply in the man's arms, as if she didn't want to move.

In the middle of the night, Feng Ling didn't feed Luo Bi anything that he couldn't digest. He unhurriedly fed half a bowl of duck soup, wiped Luo Bi's mouth with a paper towel, covered her with a blanket of animal hair, and led her away. into the arms to hold.

"Sleep." The man said.

Diagonally opposite, Jiang Luoer nudged Zhan Di with his elbow, motioning Zhan Di to look at the opposite side: "What's going on?"

Zhan Di ate the food without talking, Jiang Xiaoer touched him again: "Luo Bi is such an adult, yet Major Feng still feeds her."

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