Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1481 It’s rare

Luo Bi laid out the quilt and patted it: "Okay, Wu Shaolin, you and Zhan Shaolin are playing in the little basket."

The small wicker basket is shallow, and Wu Lao and Zhan Lao sit in it and play. It is not noisy at all and is much better behaved than Orange Ladle.

Wu Cheng was very proud. Together with Luo Bi, he set up cucumber seedlings and beans. These vegetables were all used for setting up seedlings. After doing this, Luo Bi was tired again. Wu Cheng usually helped Mrs. Wu manage the planting fields, so she didn't find it hard.

Seeing that some vegetables were short of water, Wu Cheng irrigated them. The watery vegetables became more and more pleasing to the eye.

"The vegetables you grow grow better than those grown by my mother. When the cucumbers grow, I will eat them." Wu Cheng walked back and forth along the ridge. After asking Luo Bi, he picked up a handful of small green vegetables and said, "Give them to my mother tonight." Eat stewed chicken.”

"You pull out more." Luo Bi picked up the plants and pulled out a few large green vegetables and gave them to Wu Cheng: "They have just grown and the vegetables are very tender at this time. Stewing chicken with small green vegetables will not be greasy."

"I'm leaving." Wu Cheng nodded and jumped down from the planting field.

Luo Bi also jumped down from the planting field: "Take the wicker basket away and give it to Wu Shao."

Wu Cheng was overjoyed and left happily. This small wicker basket was much more fun than the small dustpan. Wu Cheng didn't drive, so he was very excited to carry the small basket. Wu Cheng was lying on the small quilt, so comfortable that he wanted nothing more.

As soon as Wu Cheng left, Luo Bi took out a small wicker basket and a cotton quilt with small flowers: "Zhan Spoon, this small basket is for you. It can be used as a small bed when you go home. It will be comfortable to sleep on."

Zhan Shao happily hugged the handle and went home to set up the crib.

This afternoon he did nothing but play in the mud and learned nothing. However, Zhan Spoon liked this little wicker basket bed.

After returning home, Zhan Shaoan walked around upstairs and downstairs. Now he put his cute little basket bed in Zhan Di's bedroom, and then he put it on the large balcony full of flowers and plants. After a while, Zhan Shaoan hugged the little basket bed again. Change place.

After walking around the yard, Zhan Spoon placed the small basket bed on a big rock.

Climb into the small basket and roll around, Zhan Shao is happy, well, this location is quite good, you can still bask in the sun every day.

It was only mid-afternoon, and the sunshine was softer. Zhan Spoon was basking in the sun comfortably, so beautiful!

Wu Shanshan changed to a new crib. Cheng Shanshan, who lives in the Wu family, became curious about it when he saw it. He touched here and there, pulled the quilt, and liked everything.

"Luo Bi gave it to her. Go and ask her if she still has it?" Wu Cheng couldn't stand it anymore and said to Cheng Shao: "If Luo Bi still has it, you can go and ask for a small basket bed. If it's not available, come back and I'll give it to you." Give you the little dustpan."

Orange Spoon asked Luo Bi for it, and Luo Bi gave it a small wicker basket and a small flower quilt: "Okay, now you, Wu Spoon, and Zhan Spoon have one spoon and one. They are all the same. I No favoritism.”

Luo Bi just said that, Orange Spoon went out to compete, and went to Zhan Di's house first.

Pulled the small quilt with the spoon and compared it, it was the same!

The wicker baskets are compared one by one, they are the same!

Orange Spoon had too much to do. When I returned to Wu's house, I picked up the small wicker basket and compared it with Wu Spoon's, placing them side by side, they were the same!

Put a small flower quilt together, it's the same!

Wu Cheng grinned: "There are so many things."

Orange Spoon didn't notice, so he placed the small basket next to a cluster of delicate green flowers, picked a blooming flower and threw it into the basket. Orange Spoon climbed in and hugged the little quilt to sleep.

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