Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1482 I’m going to fall asleep now

It was only mid-afternoon, and Orange Spoon fell asleep just to sleep on the small basket bed.

Luo Bi tidied up the planting field and walked around the eggplant field. The eggplant seedlings grew very strong. When she saw a layer of grass sprouts growing on the ground, she quickly picked up a small hoe and hoeed it again.

In the evening, the combat team returned from outside the safe zone.

Today, the combat team cleaned up outside the safe zone and harvested some supplies, but they were only some first-level and second-level exotic beasts, which were of low value. Roger was not satisfied with this.

However, Lan Xun did not dislike it. He stepped forward and looked through it: "I want it, are there any more? I don't mind the first-level beasts and the second-level beasts. Other materials are also fine. As long as they can be traded, I want them."

Since the underground city opened, it has only done a few businesses, which makes Lan Xun very troubled.

Orange Spoon goes to the dungeon every day and makes one transaction a day. Other than that, Lan Xun has nothing to do. If the hunting team and mercenary group are not on mission, how can there be transactions in the dungeon.

Roger and Fengling discussed it and said, "Take it!"

Lan Xun immediately counted the supplies, sent the accounts to Wei Yu, and made a deal.

Okay, we finally got two orders today, one for the orange spoon, so Lan Xun called his men to transport the strange beasts away.

There was an autumn rain that night, accompanied by strong winds. Luo Bi was sleeping deeply, but she woke up when she heard the patter of rain. After listening carefully, there were strong winds and heavy raindrops.

"Did it wake you up?" Fengling held her in his arms and whispered: "It's raining outside, please go to sleep."

Luo Bi said "Yes" and asked, "Is it raining heavily? It seems like the wind is blowing."

Luo Bi was a light sleeper, and Fengling was worried that it would be difficult for her to fall asleep, so she fell asleep while chatting and remained silent for a while.

Luo Bi moved a little, and then Fengling said: "Go to bed quickly, the rain won't stop for a while, there's no need to get up early in the morning."

It means you can sleep in. When Luo Bi heard this, she became more energetic: "I can't sleep anymore."

Fengling touched the limited edition military communicator and turned it on to check the time. She had only slept for an hour. It was impossible not to sleep now. The man got out of bed, picked him up with the quilt, and walked to the bedroom balcony.

Feng Ling stood under the eaves of the corridor, the sound of rain pouring all over her ears.

"Aren't you going to sleep?" Luo Bi asked.

Fengling said: "I won't sleep anymore."

Luo Bi likes to listen to the rain while sleeping. Fengling has been married to her for such a long time, so she knows this best. As expected, Fengling remained silent. Half an hour later, even breathing came from her chest, and Luo Bi fell asleep.

Fengling chuckled lightly, look, he fell asleep now.

After walking back to the room, Fengling opened the quilt and put Luo Bi into the bed. He got on the bed and pulled Luo Bi into his arms.

It rained heavily all night, and the chilly autumn wind also joined in the fun, sweeping past one after another. It was windy and rainy, and the crops we had erected all day were blown away in one night.

Early the next morning, some people got up and saw, oh boy, it's still raining.

Okay, go back and go to sleep. If you don't go on a mission, you'll be free. If you don't sleep, there's nothing else to do.

Roger was still planning to continue the mission, but when he saw that the day was gloomy, he had to rest his thoughts. Going out on a rainy day would not yield much.

Regardless of whether it’s windy or rainy, Orange Spoon is always thinking about earning interstellar coins. When daybreak comes, Orange Spoon climbs up from the bed in the small basket, shakes off its rose-red shirt and puts it on, and goes to kill aliens again with great vigour. Beast.

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