Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1483 It comes in handy now

Fengling got up early in the morning and kissed Luo Bi gently on the corner of the mouth to wake her up.

"What are you doing?" Luo Bi opened her eyes with a confused expression.

Fengling leaned over, picked up Luo Bi like a child, and walked to the bedroom balcony: "It has been raining all night, and the air outside is good. Do you want to go to the headquarters with me? Roger just informed me that there is a meeting open."

After an autumn rain and a cold, Luo Bi took a breath of the autumn rain, and her sleepiness was swept away, and she woke up instantly. Fengling deliberately stood in front of the guardrail of the balcony covered with plants. Luo Bi raised her eyes and looked out. After everything was washed away by the heavy rain, the entire Jade Bamboo Star took on a new look.

The mountains are green and the mountains are undulating, making people feel relaxed physically and mentally with every breath.

Because it was raining, there were not many people on the street, and the hovercar flew by quickly.

The shower was not light, and it was not a good time for those who liked romance to go out for a walk. Luo Bi hugged the man's neck and leaned forward, watching with relish. She liked this kind of rainy day.

The hills on both sides accumulated rainwater, which sloped down and formed small waterfalls.

Looking from a distance, the plants covering the mountain were shaken by the impact. With the help of the wind, the branches of the plants seemed to be broken at any time. The carvings of nature formed a beautiful scene of its own.

Washed like this, nothing will be left with a trace of dust.

Looking at my own yard, my field of vision is narrowed. The hills are covered by rain curtains, energy flowers are swaying in the wind, stone tables and chairs, corridors and courtyards, stacked stones and running water are all integrated with the natural scenery.

Luo Bi admired it for a while and felt a little moved: "Can I follow you to the headquarters?"

After agreeing, Fengling smiled: "There is nothing wrong with this meeting. This meeting is not a big deal. The Jade Bamboo Star planting fields have been hit by disasters one after another, and the Zhihuang Star side is preparing to take action to restore the crop losses."

When Luo Bi heard this, she lost interest: "I won't go, I want to sleep for a while, otherwise I won't be energetic when I wake up."

"That's fine." Fengling lifted her legs and carried Luo Bi back to the bedroom, put her on the bed, skillfully pulled the quilt for Luo Bi, and said warmly: "I'll make a meal for you. Remember to eat when you get up."

Luo Bi nodded and said "hmm" in a low voice. Fengling leaned over and leaned for a while before getting up to cook.

When Fengling finished cooking and came back in, Luo Bi had already fallen asleep again. The man curled his lips and gently closed the door and went out.

In the conference room of the Jade Bamboo Star Command, senior military officers held a meeting for half an hour. The Thunder Flame soldiers had nothing to do about the damage to crops, but General Qi Lan had medicine residue and ash water in his hand, which Meng Chi had collected before.

At that time, Luo Bi was refining the explosion furnace, and Meng Chi led the sergeant to pick the river fresh food. He was covered in medicine dregs and ash from the explosion, and the river fresh food was also covered.

After being reminded by Luo Bi, Meng Chi collected them all for later use. Unexpectedly, they would come in handy now. General Qi Lan attached great importance to the development of Feizhu Star, and immediately sent Tang Shao to deliver a batch of medicine dregs and ash water to Feizhu Star.

After He Weiting checked it, he found that it was medicine dregs and ash water. He twitched his mouth and said, "Will this thing work? The crops in the fields planted yesterday were still lodging, and they are probably broken by moving today. What's the use of spreading medicine dregs and ash water?!"

There were so many people talking at the moment, Wei Yiu clicked his tongue, touched He Weiting, and whispered: "Not to mention, some medicinal residues and ash can really improve the soil and promote the growth of plants. If not, go outside and take a look at the golden osmanthus vine. Tree."

"What do you mean?" He Weiting didn't understand, and raised his eyebrows to signal Wei Yu to clarify.

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