Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1484 Is this guy fooling them?

Wei Yun was also bad, so he didn't say anything and raised his eyelids: "I don't know."

He Weiting wanted to punch this kid, but just thinking about it, it was impossible to put it into action. It's a very real problem. The Wei family is a family of warriors, and He Weiting can't defeat them.

Lan Xun is the most idle now. There is no business in the dungeon, so he has nothing to do except wander around. Hearing the conversation between the two, he walked around the headquarters. Good guy, he was shocked.

The vine tree that was more than one meter high yesterday actually climbed half of the hill in one night.

Lan Xun turned around and came back, his expression indescribable: "Wei Yu, what happened to the vine trees outside? They grew crazy overnight? Yesterday I saw them were only over one meter tall, and now they cover most of the hill?"

"Nonsense." He Weiting didn't believe this evil and went out to check.

Looking at the vines covering most of the stone wall of the hill, He Weiting was stunned. His mind was quick and he immediately thought of some possibility, and strode back to the yard to ask Wei Yu.

"Those vines outside are growing so evil. Don't tell me it's because they used medicinal dregs and gray water?"

Wei Yu nodded sincerely: "It's not because I used medicinal dregs and ash water. I used medicinal dregs and ash."

He Weiting and Lan Xun looked at each other and quickly analyzed whether this guy was deceiving them.

They were still skeptical about the medicinal dregs and ash water sent by Admiral Qi Lan. This guy struck while the iron was hot, and he said with certainty that the medicinal dregs and ash were actually more magical. How much water would it take to believe it?

He Weiting chuckled: "You didn't wake up, did you?!"

Wei Yu rolled his eyes at him and said angrily: "Believe it or not, I would like to remind you that when you lead people to spread the medicine dregs and gray water, use it sparingly and try to mix in as much water as possible. I have experienced it firsthand. If you use too much, it will be a waste."

"What do you mean?" He Weiting didn't understand again and asked him to mix it with water? He Weiting thought about it and became angry: "You have no good intentions at all. You encouraged me to mix water with the things the admiral sent you? Why do you want to trick me?"

He Weiting ignored Wei Yu. He Yun assigned the task of spreading the medicine dregs and gray water to him and Huang Chao. On the other side, Huang Chao was mobilizing manpower. He had no time to chat with Wei Yu.

He gathered his men together and distributed the medicine dregs and ash water.

Two teams received the mission, Huang Chao's team had five barrels of medicine dregs and ash water, and He Weiting's team had five barrels of medicine dregs and ash water. Tang Shao sent ten barrels in total.

"I didn't trick you, really." Wei Yu followed He Weiting and patted the other party's shoulder with a depressed expression: "Don't believe it, I had the same idea as you at the beginning. I only had a small bag of medicine dregs and ash, and I didn't even know how to save it. Only after you’ve spread it all will you know it’s good stuff.”

He Weiting looked at Wei Yu seriously and believed it: "How about I mix some water?"

"You're so hesitant, you have to add water." Wei Wei was so angry that he couldn't help but swear. He pointed at a blooming durian tree at the foot of the hill and said, "Have you seen this durian tree? It has just been transplanted. They are all wilted. The day before yesterday, I dug up all the medicine residue and dust from under the vine tree. It has only been two days, do you see what it looks like? The fruit should probably bear tomorrow."

"I really don't want to fool you. There is a kind of medicine residue and ashes that are really evil."

Now He Weiting believed it, his eyes widened. He didn't know about the other fruit trees, but he knew best what was going on with this one. He had brought it from the Emperor Star a while ago. At that time, the durian fruit tree was only as thick as a finger.

How thick is it now?

He stepped forward and made a gesture. His body was almost the same as his arm, growing in leaps and bounds.

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