Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1494 The refining style is very strange

The chatting posture was all ready, but Luo Bi didn't know what to say. The chatting was all done casually, and it was difficult to start a deliberate chat.

Think about it, small talk usually involves talking about people's shortcomings and how bad they are, but no one with a brain can just come up and say that this person is not good enough, and what's wrong with him.

As for praising others?

I don’t want to brag just yet.

It's not as satisfying to praise others as it is to belittle them, it's boring.

It was Li Feng who changed the subject and brought up the personnel who were on the mission. The first combat team and the tenth combat team agreed to go on the mission together. Xue Yue's second combat team is interested in joining, as well as Zhan Di's ninth combat team. At this time, senior officers are meeting at the Feizhu Star headquarters.

"Which planet are you going on a mission?" Luo Bi asked, and after asking, he glanced at the flames.

"The Qingyao Galaxy is definitely the best, but the current situation is unclear. It is estimated that the combat team will not go." Li Feng guessed based on his own information channels: "The possibility of going to Blazing Star is very high, not to mention the distance. There are a lot of supplies.”

At this point in the conversation, the furnace cauldron was successfully refined without exploding the furnace, so Luo Bi quickly pulled out the flame.

Jiang Yixin and Wu Cheng ran back from the planting field with regretful expressions on their faces: "There is no explosion furnace! Don't we usually have explosions?"

Luo Bi didn't want to talk to these two people, but she actually expected her to blow up the furnace? Who is it?

Li Feng was quite surprised: "What did you refine in this furnace?"

"I don't know." Luo Bi stood up with the half-processed spiritual plant and said calmly: "The furnace is hot now. When the temperature drops down, we will find out after opening it."

While waiting, Wen Xiao came and was surprised: "...Didn't the furnace explode?"

Why does this sound so unpleasant to my ears? Luo Bi raised her eyes at him, Wen Xiao smiled and said nothing. Li Feng had rough skin and thick flesh. After a while, he couldn't wait any longer, so he put a towel on and opened the lid of the cauldron.

Everyone came forward to take a look, but no one said a word for a moment.


The thing refined at this moment is not some kind of equipment, just a furnace of small bamboo baskets. Luo Bi's recent refining style is very strange. In addition to playing with it, it is either a small basket or a ball made of wicker. This time it is replaced by a small bamboo basket.

In response, Wen Xiao, Li Feng, Wu Cheng, and Jiang Yixin walked away silently, doing whatever they were supposed to do. The little bamboo basket was of no use to them.

It's said to be one stove, but it's actually not many. There are five in total. Judging from the size, it's just right to carry a spoon on your back.

Li Feng poured it out, and Luo Bi divided the portions. There were five spoons, one spoon, and one orange spoon. There were two left. Luo Bi kept them for herself. The small bamboo baskets were small and delicate, and it was fun to look at them.

Wen Xiao didn't stop and drove off again in the hover car. He was busy with official duties.

Wu Cheng and Jiang Yixin returned to the planting field together. Next, Luo Bi continued to refine. Instead of refining gadgets, she changed the refining materials and tried refining a small handkerchief.

Li Feng picked up the vegetables and was about to wash them. When he heard that Luo Bi was going to refine small handkerchiefs, he was very interested. He went over to see it every now and then, and he was very nervous.

It would be great if the little handkerchief could reopen the array function.

However, Li Feng had been waiting for a long time, and the furnace was successful, but the small handkerchief still could not activate the array function. Wen Xiao, who came back, paused, exited and got on the hover car, and stayed silent for a moment before leaving.

The little handkerchief has spirituality. Since it blew up on its own last time, it can no longer activate the array function.

It can be seen that Handkerchief Ball has been disappointed subconsciously.

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