Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1495: Even if you pamper yourself too much, you have to do it hard

Looking at the spoons again, although they may have made a little noise, they are top-notch formations that risk their lives to protect each other at critical moments.

So, pamper them, but don’t make the spoons sad anymore.

I couldn't figure out the way before, but now? Now even if you are spoiled crookedly, you still have to spoil her hard.

Luo Bi tried the handkerchief ball but it didn't work, so she used other arrays to refine it, the same ones she had refined before. Luo Bi picked the girdle to refine, but she didn't know how it was refined at the time. She looked back and threw the refining materials she remembered into the cauldron.

The flame was drawn out and refining began.

Use medium heat first, then switch to high heat.

Luo Bi was free again, controlled the flame, stared at it for a while, and called someone to accompany her in refining. Li Feng was braised millet, and he had to prepare seasonings and wash vegetables. He couldn't do without people for the time being, so he didn't have time.

Wu Cheng was not free either. Jiang Yixin ran over from the planting field, washed her hands and sat down to eat cookies.

Pumpkin cookies are soft and fragrant, Jiang Yixin’s favorite.

"Would you like a piece?" Jiang Yixin asked Luo Bi as she took the cookie.

Luo Bi shook her head: "Don't eat it, it's too sweet."

Jiang Yixin looked confused, pulled a small stool closer, and introduced all the delicacies he knew. For example, which cookie is sweet but not greasy, which meat is chewy, and which fruit has the highest nutritional value.

Luo Bi was not interested in the food and was impatient to listen. After finishing the spiritual plants in her hand, she took another one.

At this moment, there was a "bang" sound, and Jiang Yixin's words stopped abruptly. The furnace exploded. After taking a mouthful of medicine dregs and ash, the sweet little pumpkin cake could no longer taste.

Luo Bi: "..." The evil is gone, there is no medicine residue or ash on her body.

Jiang Yixin vomited, and after vomiting, she squeaked, and she continued to vomit: "... Luo Bi, can't you wait until I finish speaking? Bah, bah..." .”

Luo Bi: "..." She also thought about it, but she didn't have to say when to blow up the furnace.

Because she couldn't vomit cleanly, Jiang Yixin got up and rinsed her mouth in front of the wooden faucet.

The furnace finally exploded. When Wu Cheng heard the noise, he quickly ran from the planting field without waiting for the home robot to start. He had a bamboo broom in one hand and a small dustpan in the other, busy cleaning the medicine residue and ash on the ground.

There are many plants in the yard, and some leaves fell on the ground, so I swept them away.

Wu Cheng was very discerning and cleaned up the area in front of the furnace first, so as not to hinder Luo Bi's continued refining.

Then, clean up the surrounding areas.

Wu Cheng cleaned up the medicine dregs and ash carefully. He cleaned the edges and corners of the rocks. After doing this, he took a basin of water and washed the plant leaves covered with medicine dregs and ash. That is called carefulness. clean.

After blasting the furnace this time, it was a start. Next, we will make another furnace and fry it again.

Luo Bi got angry, kicked the furnace and stopped refining.

After this period of torment, Jiang Yixin and Wu Cheng couldn't see their whole bodies. They were all covered with medicine residue and ash, and their faces were covered with confusion. The two of them didn't care at all, sitting next to each other, picking twigs and leaves from the pile of medicine residue and ashes.

Luo Bi could explode if he wanted to. Anyway, it was just the clothes that caused the disaster, so he didn’t want to change them.

Li Feng didn't hear the sound and came over from the kitchen area and asked, "How is the refining going?"

Wu Cheng sat on the small bench and raised his head. There were streaks of ash on his face, and his teeth were extremely white: "The furnace keeps blowing up, don't you hear? Since the first furnace, Wu Cheng and I have not been idle, and we almost too busy."

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