Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1500 Refined from high-priced spiritual plants

Wu Shantou put the small basket on his back and went happily.

Wu Cheng was worried that Luo Bi was planning on him, so he quickly slipped to another place. Luo Bi was so mean-spirited that he actually gave him the small bag. The more he thought about it, the more frightening he became.

Luo Bi refined another furnace, grabbed a handful of spiritual plants, threw them in, and threw the transformation crystal. This time she wanted to see what she could refine.

In the end, it was still a gadget, a small basket made of wicker.

What is the difference from before?

Yes, the previous one was round and had a handle, so I would probably have no room to put a red fruit or two on it.

Now the small basket of the stove is oval, slightly long, has a handle, and can hold a lot of things.

Not to mention, Luo Bi likes it very much. She can use it to put snacks. Fruit can also be used. Put a bunch of purple grapes in it, it’s no problem at all. Go out for a walk and you’ll be happy just thinking about it.

Seeing that it was getting late, Li Feng washed his hands and prepared to leave. Wu Cheng and Jiang Yixin didn't intend to eat, so they greeted each other much faster than Li Feng, and ran away.

When Feng Ling came back in the evening, Luo Bi was sorting out the results of the day, and she disliked them all. After all, she refined them with expensive spiritual plants, classified them one by one, and packed them all away.

Fengling washed her hands and put the food on the table: "You must be tired after a long day of work. Eat quickly."

Luo Bi's mouth twitched, she had been busy all day, but she was busy refining a bunch of fun things. She got up, washed her hands with soap, walked to the dining table, pulled out a chair and sat down.

"I may not be suitable for refining in the future." Luo Bi said.

Fengling raised her eyes and put a bowl of rice in Luo Bi's hand: "Where do you start talking about this?"

"You can't make anything into a pot." Luo Bi took a small spoon to eat.

Fengling didn't understand what was going on, so she smiled and said, "You can give Wu a spoon for them to use."

Luo Bi didn't say anything. She could give one or two, but she wouldn't give more.

After dinner, Fengling put away the tableware, went out again, came back, washed up, and slept with Luo Bi.

The next morning, as soon as Fengling got up, Luo Bi hesitated and said, "You go on a mission, and I will go with you."

Fengling was noncommittal: "I'll make arrangements first." She didn't give the right answer.

Fei Ling got out of bed and went out to prepare breakfast. Feizhuxing was full of energy in the morning, and everyone got up and was busy. Qi Yan jumped onto the planting field outside the yard, took a small hoe, and planned to work for a while to eat.

Before Feng Ling went out, Luo Bi took the small bamboo baskets and baskets and said, "Feng Ling, what do you think I would give to Admiral Qi Lan and Lieutenant General Mi Yue a few small bamboo baskets and baskets?"

Not very good, Fengling replied silently in her heart, but said: "Okay, I think they will like it."

Luo Bi held the small basket and smiled: "I think so too."

Fengling laughed and asked herself, do General Qi Lan and Lieutenant General Mi Yue like them? It's probably unlikely.

As soon as Feng Ling left the house, Li Feng and Jiang Yixin arrived. Today, Luo Bi is still refining. One of them is responsible for cooking, and the other is responsible for running errands and doing farm work.

Starting in the morning, Luo Bi was refining small baskets and bamboo baskets one after another. Li Feng shook his head and Jiang Yixin sighed.

Luo Bi was still refining when Fengling, Wen Yao, Luo Jie and others entered. Everyone's expressions froze when they saw a pile of small baskets and bamboo baskets.

"Hey, that's quite a lot." Roger teased, taking a small basket and playing with it: "Not to mention, it looks pretty fun."

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