Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1501 You are not a stingy person

Robbie didn't talk to him, Roger was the one.

After watching it, the Leiyan soldiers sat down to discuss military affairs and the mission. Roger was playing with the little basket, but he didn't intend to let it go. Robbie saw that he liked it, and thought about giving him one.

It's rare that Roger and her share the same interests, so it's not good if you don't send too much.

Yesterday, Luo Bi was blasting the furnace all morning. Almost all the family members of the garrison knew that Luo Bi was refining. Jiang Xiner made an appointment with Lan Yingying to come to visit. When Fan Yao heard about it, he shouted, and a large group of people showed up.

Both familiar and unfamiliar ones are here.

A group of women's eyes lit up when they saw the small baskets and small bamboo baskets. One picked up the small basket and the other picked up the small bamboo basket. They liked it no matter how they looked at it. They were chirping more noisily than a millet bird.

"This little basket is made of wicker, so delicate." Wei Tiao didn't want to let go of it while holding it.

"I like the small basket, it's so small, it's so fun." Xue Ya picked up the small bamboo basket and looked around.

"That's not true." Fan Yao's brain turned quickly, and immediately agreed: "Pack a small snack, fruit or something, it's the most suitable."

Both Feng Zifei and Fan Yao have children, the meaning is self-evident, they just want one, two would be better, no one wants too many.

Lan Qiao and Erque couldn't bear the instigation the most, and immediately said: "Luo Bi, you have so many small baskets and bamboo baskets at home, give each of us one! I put fruits in them, and they can be used as fruit plates."

Instead of asking for one, she offered one for each.

Lan Qiao wasn't totally careless, what she thought was that Luo Bi wouldn't be able to refuse if there were too many people, and she was the only one who wanted it, so it seemed that she was taking advantage of it. Lan Qiao has learned her lesson and doesn't want to risk this.

Jiang Luo'er had this heart, but she didn't open her mouth. She is used to letting others do annoying things. Lan Qiao opened her mouth, but it wasn't an excessive request. Luo Bi must have been too embarrassed to refuse.

Among the garrison families, each has its own small circle, and it is not good to be too unsocial.

Luo Bi liked to be the first to win. She didn't say yes or no, so she asked Lan Qiao: "Do you have children? This is a child's thing."

Lan Qiao's face stiffened. Her child was gone and she was not pregnant yet.

Fan Yao hurriedly squeezed to the front: "I have two children. How about you give me two? A small basket and a small bamboo basket. Two of the same ones are fine. My children don't have to choose."

It's quite easy to get rid of, Luo Bi laughed, laughed at these people's greed, and also laughed at these people's whims. These small bamboo baskets are not ordinary small bamboo baskets. They come from the furnace and are made from expensive spiritual plants and transformation crystals.

Give it away?

It’s not impossible.

However, Luo Bi called to Wen Xiao: "Wen Xiao, Lan Qiao and the others want small baskets and small bamboo baskets. How about you come over and share them, I won't share them."

"Let me tell you, you are not a stingy person." Lan Qiao was overjoyed and immediately forgot about her pregnancy. She knelt down and started picking out small baskets and bamboo baskets that she liked.

Seeing this, Zhou Ya and Lan Yingying also started to choose. Wei Zi and He Xiang hesitated for a moment, holding the small basket in their hands without moving. We had only interacted with each other a few times, but when we came up, we started asking for things from people, which was a bit unjustifiable.

But they really liked these little baskets and bamboo baskets so much that they couldn't bear to put them back.

Luo Bi watched with cold eyes and analyzed everyone's character. She would not stop them. Whoever loves them wants them.

Wen Xiao got up from the chair, walked over and asked, "What are you sharing?"

Luo Bi raised her chin: "They said they like the small baskets and bamboo baskets and want one each."

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