Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1608 Little Fireball

Luo Bi boarded the spaceship every day to check the transplanted bamboo trees. The bamboo poles were green and the leaves were not wilted, but she just wanted to dig new ones. After struggling for a while, Luo Bi decided to follow her own wishes.

While Fengling was resting, Luo Bi mentioned it: "Fengling, I heard from Wu Cheng that there will be other teams participating in the next few days. It's not good for me to be the only family member to accompany the team. I want to take advantage of the time to transplant the bamboos. Go back and pick the purple grape fruits at Zhihuangxing’s house.”

In the rest area under the tree in the afternoon, Wen Yao, He Yun, Wu Shao, and Xue Yue were closing their eyes to rest, while Wen Xiao and Lan Xun went to find something to eat. Hua Ran followed him. He had become more and more interested in cooking recently, and finally had some free time, so he went to the kitchen area during his break.

Fengling was sitting in the chair. He raised his eyes after hearing the words, with a sharp look in his eyes. The man looked at Luo Bi. He had been busy these days and had not been close to Luo Bi. He cared about it in his heart and stretched out his hands to bring her into his arms. .

"It's okay. I can't take care of you these days, are you bored?" The man's tone was indifferent, but with a hint of tenderness: "I will go to the spacecraft to check those bamboo trees later. If they are not suitable for transplanting, tomorrow Go dig some more."

Just waiting for these words, Fengling was so in line with her heart. Luo Bi had a smile in her eyes and took the opportunity to say: "I checked it and there is no problem, but I still want to dig some bamboo trees again."

The man had known this would be the result, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "It's all up to you. I don't have time to accompany you. Let Tang Shao lead a team to dig bamboo with you tomorrow."

Luo Bi nodded, hugged the man's waist and muttered, and then started nagging again. She opened her mouth to stop talking and was so panicked. For example, Orange Spoon carried a big bamboo basket into the forest all day long and didn't listen to greetings. He deserved a beating.

"Do you think it deserves a beating?" Luo Bi asked, looking at the man.

Fei Ling didn't feel that the formation weapon deserved a beating, but he said otherwise and coaxed Luo Bi: "Find an opportunity to clean it up."

Luo Bi nodded: "Well, pack up the orange spoon while Bishop Lin can't see it."

The energy fireball came out of the leaves of the tree and came to the two people. It heard it. The two people were about to hit the colored spoon. It was not sure and wanted to confirm.

The energy fireball wandered around for a while and asked: Who to beat?

Luo Bi, who often dealt with array devices, understood and said impatiently: "Go aside, you are curious about everything. You are just like Orange Spoon, disobedient. Don't you like walking? Go for a walk quickly!"

This is also an idler, who is obviously a weapon, but walks around all day to watch the fun, and I don't know who he learned from? Robbie didn't like the orange spoon, nor did she like the energy fireball.

Feng Ling twitched the corners of her mouth, and considering that the energy fireball might not be able to understand the wink, she waved her hand, signaling the energy fireball to play elsewhere.

The energy fireball didn't go away, and walked around again, continuing to be curious: who to beat?

Luo Bi became angry, and stopped nestling in the man's arms, sitting up and staring at the energy fireball. What else? There are too many people she wants to beat up, and the array also wants to beat up, but she just takes advantage of her mouth, and no one has ever beaten up.

No need to stare, is it really a beating?

Obviously not.

Wen Yao couldn't help pretending to be asleep, and quickly waved to the energy fireball: "Come here, little fireball, we won't mess with her, she was spoiled by Fei Ling." There was no malice in these words, but a little ridicule.

Fortunately, the energy fireball didn't insist, but it was impossible to listen to the greeting, so it flew to the tree by itself.

Wen Yao didn't care and continued to rest with his eyes closed.

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