Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1609 The lush green bamboo tree

Luo Bi nestled back into the man's arms, Feng Ling's sharp eyes became a little softer, and she closed her eyes to rest.

In the afternoon, Luo Bi asked Tang Shao to look around Qing Yao Star and Cui Bamboo Star, and compared the bamboo trees on the two planets. Qing Yao Star and Cui Bamboo Star all grew jade bamboo, green bamboo, and green bamboo. Like this, she plans to transplant this kind of green bamboo.

Compared to Qing Yao Star, if you look at the entire Green Bamboo Star, it is almost entirely a bamboo forest, so there is naturally a lot of choice. After some comparison, Luo Bi prefers to transplant bamboo trees from Green Bamboo Star.

At this time, the Green Bamboo Planet already has a certain degree of security. At least there are very few magical beasts on the edge of the planet. There are some birds with wings, which are non-aggressive birds, so there is nothing to fear.

There was a light rain at night, the patter was like drizzle, the rain was not strong but not light, the natural wind system met the supernatural wind system, the wind helped the wind power, the combat team in Cuizhuxing obviously couldn't control it This situation.

Tang Shao alone could not help both sides of the battlefield, a gust of wind blew, monsters, chickens, ducks, geese, and all kinds of freshwater fish, small stones, bushes, weeds, all thrown to Qingyao Xing in a mess.

It was crackling like rain, and it was thrown everywhere, some fell into the small baskets, some fell into the forest, in the Xun River, there were a few big crabs hanging on the rocky cliffs.

The pheasant smashed into the forest with a swish. It was stunned for a moment, croaked and jumped away.

Some water ducks and geese were lying on the rocks, and some fell into the bushes. There were also some fish, shrimps, clams and the like, but they were not found.

A few hunting teams and mercenary groups operating at night can be regarded as encountering good things. After discovering it, they were stunned for a while, and then happily picked it up. It was like a dream at night. Such a good thing, these people were so happy that they didn't sleep well all night.

The warcraft and alien beasts were relatively heavy and could not be thrown far. Consul Pei Jing and Lieutenant General Mi Yue led the team to find them. After a fight, they killed them one by one.

As for those chickens, ducks, geese, fish, shrimps, crabs, etc., I really don’t know where to throw them. Lieutenant General Mi Yue felt distressed and had no choice but to give up. After this incident, the combat team stopped fighting and returned to Qingyao Star to rest.

When the wind and rain stopped and it was still dark, five thousand combat elites went to Cuizhuxing again.

After dawn, Tang Shao led a combat team of twenty people and followed Luo Bi to the Cuizhu Star to dig bamboo trees.

It had just rained, and a group of people were walking in the bamboo forest. If there was a slight disturbance, water drops would fall from the bamboo trees. Luo Bi was playful, and would grab a bamboo pole and shake it, causing the water droplets to fall as if it were raining.

Tang Shao was speechless and just pretended not to see it.

While walking, Luo Bi looked around, picking out bamboo trees, the ones that were eye-catching, the ones that were smooth, and green and lush bamboo trees were everywhere. If Luo Bi didn't like it, she fell in love with it, and wished she could transplant it back.

But obviously this is not realistic, Luo Bi chooses and chooses, not sticking to bamboos of the same thickness, no matter how big or small, thick or thin, as long as it grows lush and looks good, she wants it.

When Tang Shao saw Luo Bi touching this tree and then that one, he thought that he was just being picky! So he asked: "Have you chosen a bamboo tree?"

"Yes." Luo Bi mainly chose emerald bamboo, emerald bamboo, and green bamboo, and pointed out the selected bamboos to Tang Shao and the others: "All of these are fine, so hurry up and dig the roots carefully, and I'll look at the others. of."

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