Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1610 She also came to collect supplies

Tang Shao nodded, indicating that he knew, and ordered the sergeants to start digging the bamboo trees: "Move quickly, and try not to hurt the roots."

Luo Bi went to choose bamboo trees again, and Tang Shao followed closely.

Twenty people were very mobile and took two hours to dig hundreds of bamboo trees. Luo Bi checked and found that the roots were almost undamaged and the leaves were dense. This way the survival rate of transplanting is very high.

It doesn't matter if the survival rate is not high. She has medicine dregs and ash and sprinkles some on the roots of the bamboo tree, and it won't survive even if it wants to.

Unless planted upside down, with the crown in the soil and the roots facing upwards, there is no way a bamboo tree will not survive.

The sergeant pulled the cane and tied the bamboo trees into a bundle, making it easier to carry.

The bamboo forest in Cuizhuxing is divided into patches. There is an open plain outside the bamboo forest. The military hover vehicle is parked in the open space. Everyone moved bundles of bamboo trees and carried them out. They carefully padded the animal skins one by one and placed them on the hover vehicle. superior.

"There are fewer bamboo trees dug this time than last time. Aren't you going to dig more?" Tang Shao asked Luo Bi. During the questioning, Tang Shao was distracted and paying attention to the movements around him, and his expression was full of alertness.

"I feel uneasy when I hear the noise around me. I'm worried about monsters jumping out. Let's dig these for the time being. Let's leave quickly." Luo Bi knew very well that the bamboo forest here is very dangerous. She waved her hand and got on the military suspension sports car: "It will be almost ten o'clock when we get back to Little Rock Mountain and move the bamboo trees onto the spaceship. It will take another half an hour to get back to Green Bamboo Star. We can almost plant some of them before noon."

Tang Shao opened the passenger seat and got into the car. No one was competing with him for this seat. Now Tang Shao also noticed that Luo Bi deliberately let him sit in this seat to annoy him.

Is Tang Shao angry?

Angry! But he couldn't show it, otherwise Luo Bi would get more and more excited.

Five minutes later, the group returned to the small rocky mountain where they fought.

The sergeants jumped off the hover vehicle and quickly moved the bundles of bamboo trees onto the medium-sized spacecraft next to the small spaceship. Luo Bi ran to the eight-man combat team: "Fengling, we dug more than a hundred bamboo trees. We don't want to We’re going to Qing Yao Star, and we’ll go back directly from Cui Bamboo Star to Fei Bamboo Star.”

The eight people headed by Fengling and Wen Xiao raised their hands and threw a royal pig out. Fengling was distracted and looked at Luo Bi: "Go, be careful on the road, and tell me when you get home."

"I got it." Luo Bi nodded, turned around and ran towards the spacecraft.

Before boarding the spaceship, Luo Bi glanced at the Green Bamboo Star. From a distance, she could see the orange spoon coming back with a big bamboo basket, followed by two items, the red porcelain spoon soldier and the energy fireball.

One is diligent and diligent, the other is walking around, nothing more than nothing, and the other is very angry.

What is even more annoying is the orange spoon. It has not been idle these days. It is so busy that except when it comes back to put away supplies, there is no spoon at all. Orange Spoon has gained a lot, but it is not worth much interstellar coins. After returning to Qingyao Star every day, Wu Cheng takes it to the town to trade, and it is expected to earn a thousand interstellar coins a day.

Orange Spoon's idea is good, but it's a pity that his brain is not strong enough.

Luo Bi snorted and got on the spaceship. When she went back to pack the equipment, she also came to collect supplies. She was jealous of so many imperial concubine pigs.

When the spacecraft returned to Cuizhu Star, just after ten o'clock in the morning, Tang Shao directed the sergeants to move down the bamboo trees. Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting received the news of Luo Bi's return in advance. They picked a basket of fresh vegetables in their vegetable patch and brought a piece of meat over to help cook.

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