Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1611 Contribute to your own family

"There is no shortage of anything at home." When Luo Bi saw her parents bringing ingredients, she didn't go to pick them up and followed to the kitchen area: "There are still a lot of millet birds caught last time. Mom, just a few millet birds will be enough for us people." Eat? Vegetables don’t count.”

Guan Zhuting roughly counted the number of people: "Let's take ten first. The Leiyan warriors from the garrison base will come to help. The ingredients prepared are too single and seem stingy. The piece of meat your father brought is the meat of a fourth-level alien beast. How about killing one?" Is it paired with a winged rabbit?"

"Okay, kill two winged rabbits and a native pig." Luo Bi never treats those who contribute to her family poorly, and tries to treat them as well as possible: "Father, you and I go to the supply warehouse to get ten millet birds. I can’t get it by myself.”

Luo Bi hurriedly walked, Luo Hang put down the basket, followed behind, and asked about the status of the mission.

"It's a new way of fighting." Luo Bi kept walking and walked under the corridor and looked back and gestured: "It's a group of thunder flame warriors who use the wind ability to mobilize the wind element and throw it hard from the Green Bamboo Star. Throw the prey to Qingyao Star, the accuracy is not good at first, but it will be fine later, but the number is not much."

"You just talk!" Luo Hang stopped talking angrily, this kid likes to piss people off.

You see, you can tell that even his father didn't believe him. Luo Bi walked a few steps and then turned back: "What I said is true. The eight of them, my brother and Fengling, threw as much prey as the five thousand combat elites. There were Warcraft, There are strange beasts, and the five thousand elites headed by Bai Yan are the most awesome. They can also throw the river water, making a splash, and a lot of water is sprinkled in the process of throwing, but they have thrown all the river food, so awesome!"

The more it sounds, the more it seems true. Luo Hang is dubious: "I've never heard of this kind of combat method. Who thought it up?"

Luo Bi chuckled: "Me! My brain is really easy to use."

Arriving at the door of the material warehouse, Luo Bi opened the door and suppressed the smile on her face: "I also thought of a powerful way of fighting, but I don't dare to use it. Some people are too disgusting. I'm worried that someone will be used once the array device is taken out. Coveted, it has been refined a long time ago, and I have been afraid to use it."

Luo Hang's expression was solemn: "Then don't take it out yet, you can't be burdened by yourself and provide survival skills to others."

Luo Bi became emotional, her eyes were red, and she said in a low tone: "Father, why do you think some people are so shameless? Isn't it good for everyone to live their own lives? I feel disgusted and don't want to mention it, but I know, Some people don’t know what it means to give up when something is good.”

Luo Hang is well aware of the greed of human nature, so he took the millet bird and walked out of the material warehouse: "We will not go to Emperor Star in the future, and we can't stay there if we don't care about it."

Luo Bi then followed out, closed the material warehouse, and answered: "I have a lot of thoughts, but there are some things I can't do."

"With such a straight temper, why do you still have a lot of eyes?!" Luo Hang scolded, his words were full of concern.

Luo Bi got angry again when he mentioned something unpleasant. Tang Shao didn't know where the bamboo tree was planted, so he called Luo Bi.

"Come here." Luo Bi quickened her pace and told Luo Hang: "Father, I will catch the Winged Rabbit and Earth Pig by yourself. I don't care."

Luo Hang had no intention of asking her to help: "Go and do your work."

Luo Bi trotted to the yard and walked around the front and back yards to see where the bamboo tree would be planted.

The yard is dotted with energy flowers and plants, and there is not much free space. There is still some open space on both sides of the corridor.

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