Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1613 Climb high

Then Bai Rui and Huang Xinling also came. Huang Xinling swung her pigtails and ignored Bai Rui behind them.

Bai Rui screamed several times, but Huang Xinling ignored her. It was obvious at a glance that the two were having a conflict. Normally, Mrs. Huang would scold Huang Xinling, but this time she let the little girl show Bai Zhi's face without interfering at all.

"That's right, if you don't tell me, no one will know that your family is doing well." Huang Xinling raised her little head and said arrogantly, "If my cousin hadn't dialed the message back, our family wouldn't have known that you were going to transplant bamboo."

Although Luo Bi is petite, Huang Xinling is young and has not grown up, so she has to raise her head when speaking. Luo Bi's hands were itchy, and she was shorter than her. She didn't know if she would be shorter if she pressed her hand. She really wanted to push Huang Xinling down.

"Why do you have so many things to do?" Luo Bi replied without making a move. It seemed inappropriate to hold down another's daughter in front of Mrs. Huang.

Huang Xinling was angry: "I have too many things to do, so I won't work for your family anymore."

"Go aside." Mrs. Huang pulled her daughter aside and handed over a basket of vegetables: "I just picked them from my vegetable patch. I will add some vegetables to the helpers at noon. Don't mind it."

"How could it? You're too polite." Luo Bi finally answered the words. The polite words were too fake, and she didn't say much at ordinary times.

The others also came empty-handed. Knowing that Luo Bi's family was preparing a meal for the sergeant at noon, they all brought some practical meat and vegetables. They were not ordinary ingredients, they all contained nutritional energy, and they did not lose face in hospitality.

Luo Bi is not good at socializing, so she called Guan Zhuting to receive her.

Mrs. Zhu washed her hands and rolled up her sleeves: "What are you calling me for? We are not outsiders, we are here to help, and I will serve lunch."

Xu Qi pulled Lan Hong: "We both pick vegetables." She and Lan Hong are neither good at cooking, so picking vegetables is no problem.

"I'm going to plant bamboo." Luo Qing went to the corridor.

Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Luo greeted Guan Zhuting into the open-air kitchen, chopping vegetables, and preparing seasonings. The third Mrs. Zhu peeled the onion and garlic, and Mrs. Luo washed her hands and chopped the meat. She raised the knife and dropped it. It was not at all obvious that she was the head wife of the family.

Bai Li leaned over to Mrs. Zhu San, followed by peeling the garlic, without saying a word.

Huang Xinling snorted heavily, and Luo Bi felt that there was something going on here, so she called Huang Xinling aside and said, "Why did Bai Zhi offend you? You are so disrespectful to others. How old are you? You look disgusting. I don't know." She thought you were bullying her."

"I'll just bully her." Huang Xinling raised her head, not wanting to be beaten.

Luo Bi narrowed her eyes: "Why did you bully her?"

Huang Xinling didn't say anything at first. She was angry for a while, kicked the ground, and then said: "Bai Rui is dishonest in Emperor Star Academy. She has been flirting with Leiyan warriors recently. If she dares to hook up with others behind my cousin's back, I will kill her every day." Bully her."

Huang Xinling shook her small fist, her eyes widened.

Luo Bi glanced at her. It is possible that the white stalk flirts with people, but she has never seen it before, so it is hard to say. However, combined with Mrs. Huang's attitude, rumors spread that there should be someone responsible for Bai Li, otherwise the Huang family would not allow Huang Xinling to run on Bai Li.

As for Bai Zhi, it's not surprising that he hooks up with someone, but Luo Bi and she are apprentices under the same teacher, and what should be beaten must be beaten. With Huang Chao's family background, it is more than enough to match the white scorpion. In terms of the white scorpion, it is a tall order. If the white scorpion is not cherished like this, it will be easy to smash a good pair of cards later.

This is not wise!

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