Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1614 Everyone is pampered at home

Luo Bi had a very good impression of Huang Chao, so she decided to remind Bai Hao appropriately not to let go of a good life, make yourself uncomfortable, and want to be beaten, some of which are human fists.

Once Bai Rui takes that step, or develops the desire to cling to another man, the consequences can be imagined.

With just one word from the head of the Huang family, Bai Jie will never have a chance to live a good life.

Rather than this, why bother? No one can survive until they are full.

Luo Bi had the idea of ​​beating, but she had no time at the moment. She went to stand on the porch where the bamboo trees were planted for a while. Was she worried about what Bai Rui would really do? That’s a lot of people to think about!

What does it mean to worry blindly?

Just like Luo Bi, you said she and Bai Rui are classmates, why do you care so much? She understands everything in her heart, but she just can't let it go. This matter has been ranked high in her heart.

In the future interstellar era, great emphasis will be placed on respecting teachers. It can be said that once a teacher is a lifelong father, this relationship will be recognized wherever you go. You should not work so hard for your own students as a bishop or chief instructor. Thinking of paving the way, what do nursing students look like?

With this master-disciple relationship, those who are both masters and disciples will naturally look after each other.

That being said, this is the kind of positive energy promoted by the Interstellar Era, but some people can do it, and some people may not. If you don't cause obstacles for your classmates, you are a good bird.

Still taking care of your classmates? it's out of the question.

While Luo Bi was struggling, Qi Yan from the neighbor's house came. The child did not go into the kitchen, but took a special shovel and dug a hole to plant a bamboo tree with the sergeants. The sergeants asked him to hold on to the tree, but he was still unhappy.

"I have the strength. I usually do this kind of work at home." Qi Yan waved a small shovel and didn't even raise his head when he spoke, just working.

The sergeants laughed and joked with the children: "Hey, you are very neat at work. You will definitely be an outstanding little Leiyan warrior in the future."

The child smiled, and Luo Bi smiled too, and the atmosphere was pleasant in the busy atmosphere.

Luo Qing was very discerning. He moved a table over and made a pot of tea: "If you are thirsty, come and drink. The tea has just been brewed."

Tang Shao happened to have a dry mouth, so he pulled up a chair and sat down, pouring himself a drink.

Seeing Luo Qing busy, Luo Bi didn't show it on her face, but she knew very well in her heart that many of her brothers and sisters at home usually couldn't see it, but now it became clear that she didn't know how to socialize, but Luo Qing did very well. Thoughtful and hard to fault.

Then Qin Cui, He Xiang and Wei Zi also came to help. There was no shortage of people in the kitchen. Wei Zi carried a bucket of hot water to the spring and grabbed a native pig to deal with. Killing pigs is obviously the job of Lei Yan warriors, and Wei Zi did it without any ambiguity.

He Xiang's eyelids twitched, and he looked at Luo Hang and then at Wei Zi. He rolled up his sleeves and helped the two of them carry water and change the water. He first poured hot water and then mixed it with cold water for the two of them to use.

This work was not light and easy, and He Xiang was sweating after a while, so he wiped it off and continued to work.

Qin Cui brought a basin of water to the side to clean up the millet bird, and put the bird's offal in the bowl, and I will deal with it later.

Luo Bi ran over and didn't know what to say. She usually didn't do this kind of work, so how could she let others do it? These three people were gifted students after all, and they were all pampered at home.

Come to her house to do rough work? How is this possible?

Luo Bi hurriedly said: "Let my father do this kind of rough work, you don't need to do it, and be careful to get your clothes dirty."

"It's okay, I can't do it alone." Wei Tiao waved his hand, not caring.

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