Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1615 Hospitality

He Xiang took a bucket of cold water and poured it into the big basin: "The three of us work together just right, so don't worry about it, go and do other things!"

Luo Hang advised Qin Cui and others: "Have you ever done such menial work at home? Stop doing it. My Abi doesn't do menial work at home. Go help in the kitchen! I can handle it here."

"It's almost noon, how can you be so busy on your own?" Qin Cui packed up a millet bird and put it aside, and said to the other two people: "Hurry up, the meat still needs to be marinated and seasoned before it is delivered to the kitchen. , time is tight."

Luo Bi looked at the time, it was already eleven o'clock, she stopped trying to persuade Qin Cui and the others, and she couldn't say polite words, so she ran to the open-air kitchen again.

Mrs. Zhu came out with a bowl of garlic and was about to wash it: "There are enough people in the kitchen, you go elsewhere."

Luo Bi obediently went elsewhere and dug out all the fruits at home. She was not at home for a while, and the winter storage had just begun. There was not much fruit stored at home, only enough for her own consumption.

The more expensive ones include black fruits, purple grapes, bamboo fruits, and soft peaches. The prices of other green, orange, and red fruits are also not low. After being stored for a long time, they can probably hold two small baskets. Luo Bi washed them and put them in a small basket. Baskets.

Robbie likes this kind of utensils with bamboo and wicker edges, and plans to change to this kind of utensils in the future.

Taking the small basket to the kitchen, Luo Bi said: "These are the fruits at home, no matter how busy you are eating, don't leave at noon, eat at my house."

Guan Zhuting had already said it just now. When Luo Bi mentioned it, she said it again: "Yes, there are a lot of dishes for lunch. Let's stir-fry some more vegetables and everyone will stay for dinner."

Luo Bi's family prepared quite a lot of ingredients, including several types of meat. Everyone brought about ten catties of exotic meat, which had already been cut up for later use. With the addition of millet bird meat, local pork, winged rabbit meat, and a few river delicacies, the amount of ingredients is sufficient, which is completely enough for everyone to eat.

Partridge chickens are not counted, one is more than half a catty, and five are only enough for a child.

Just enough to eat, not necessarily full.

Those with high nutritional energy and high price are only suitable for supporting the scene.

eat enough?

Not too possible.

After everyone has left, it is possible for Luo Bi to eat enough by herself. There is a certain level of hospitality. Once you exceed this level, you will become a fool, commonly known as a fool.

People praise you for your generosity in person, but they may not know what to think of you later.

If you have a good temper, you don't know how to live, and you have no calculations about how you deal with others. If you have a bad character, you will definitely be regarded as stupid. If you eat this time, you will eat yours next time. If you don't eat, you won't eat for free, and you will take advantage.

Therefore, treating others is a science that can reflect a person's IQ.

"Okay, we won't leave either. The food in Luo Bi's family is all good. Let's have a good meal with them." Mrs. Luo is Luo Bi's eldest aunt, so naturally she can't take the lead. If she proposes to leave, the others will How dare you stay for dinner.

As soon as Mrs. Luo said she would stay for dinner, the others took the opportunity and stopped leaving.

Helping people usually only comes after a meal, let alone a good acquaintance. The relationship grows closer over a meal. If you are not close to the person, you will gradually become alienated.

Mrs. Zhu and the others came to help with the intention of making good friends, not to alienate the relationship.

Next, the atmosphere became more harmonious, at least the women were laughing.

There were more than a hundred bamboo trees. Luo Bi looked at the tight time and thought they would never finish the work. Unexpectedly, the sergeants were impatient and hurriedly planted all the bamboo trees.

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