Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1616 Too expensive

The meal time was postponed a bit, and it was only after twelve o'clock that the sergeants washed their hands of the dining table. They were all hungry and anxious, and their eyes turned green when they looked at the delicious food on the table.

Good guy, this table has plenty of food and nutritious ingredients. It makes you satisfied just by looking at it. The sergeants felt very happy to work for others and have a good meal, and the smiles on their faces became more sincere.

Human beings in the interstellar world are indifferent to each other. They are all smiling and cold at heart.

Luo Bi called Guan Zhuting and Mrs. Luo aside and asked, "I didn't buy wine at home. Can I use the purple wine I brewed to entertain guests?"

"Yes, why not?" Mrs. Luo thought that Luo Bi felt that she couldn't afford the homemade brew, so she said, "As long as it can be imported, it should be fine. If you really feel that you can't afford it, ask Luo Qing to buy it now."

Guan Zhuting stopped talking. She probably guessed what kind of wine Luo Bi was talking about brewing at home. It was a bit too much to entertain guests with purple wine that can enhance combat power.

Luo Bi knew that Mrs. Luo didn't understand, so she hesitated: "...It's not that I can't take it."

Mrs. Luo looked at her, confused, and called Luo Qing over: "Go and buy a box of wine, one thousand interstellar coins per box will do."

"Okay, I'll go right away." Luo Qing didn't ask for interstellar coins from Luo Bi. In Luo Qing's view, there is no need for his family to calculate too clearly. .

"I'll give you interstellar coins." Guan Zhuting spoke first.

"No, I'm running errands for my sister. I don't need interstellar coins." Luo Qing lifted his legs and left. The hover car he drove was outside the yard.

Luo Bi didn't hesitate now and called Luo Qing: "You don't have to buy it. If it's not troublesome to go back and forth, just use the purple wine at home."

Luo Qing hesitated, not knowing whether he should leave or listen to Luo Bi and treat the guests with the purple wine at home. Luo Bi moved quickly, opened the kitchen cupboard, and brought out a jar of purple wine. Luo Qing stepped forward to take it.

After opening the wine jar, Luo Qing stopped talking, he was a Thunder Flame warrior, and he knew it was a good thing just by smelling it.

"What's the matter?" Mrs. Luo leaned forward: "Can't you drink?"

Luo Qing: "... Can I drink it?!" It's too expensive, and a pot of this drink will cost at least 500,000 interstellar coins.

Luo Bi knew what was going on when she saw Luo Qing's expression, she asked: "Will people call me stupid?"

"..." Luo Qing said: "No way!"

"What are you talking about?" Mrs. Luo raised her head and smelled the purple wine: "This wine tastes very pure. It should be a high-priced fruit wine. It is very honorable to hold banquets. If it is used for entertaining guests, it is fine."

Guan Zhuting didn't speak, she listened to Luo Bi and didn't participate in opinions.

Huang Xinling ran over with a glass: "Is this fruit wine? Give me a glass."

"This..." Luo Qing looked at Luo Bi and said, "How about I buy a box of it! I keep this for myself and drink it. Fengling is a thunder flame warrior. Drinking it is good for you. You can use it to entertain guests. , what should I do if Fengling is unhappy when she comes back?"

My family has enough, and I will brew a batch soon, Luo Bi silently replied and nodded: "You go and buy it!"

Luo Qing heaved a sigh of relief, walked away, and Huang Xinling passed the cup in his hand: "I want to drink fruit wine."

"Wait a moment, I'll give you something else to drink." Luo Bi put the jar of wine back into the cupboard again, and pressed it without leaving a trace. She asked others to drink it, but she didn't want anyone to touch it, and no one could. Don't even think about moving.

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