Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1617 Bamboo Fruit Wine

Huang Xinling turned around and left. Luo Qing was stopped by Tang Shao. Before he went out to buy anything, the sergeants pulled Luo Qing to eat together.

Luo Bi went into the house and cut a piece of bamboo and put it on the women's table: "Try the bamboo fruit wine, it's so delicious. The kids didn't drink enough after drinking it once." Don't think about it if it's delicious, but it's not enough. real.

Mrs. Huang was stunned for a moment. Bamboo fruit wine is not delicious, but it has high nutritional value! She didn't expect Luo Bi to be willing to take it out for everyone to drink.

Huang Xinling quickly handed over the cup, and Bai Rui raised her head. It was obvious that she also wanted to drink. Madam Zhu knew it was a good thing. Although Luo Bi said it tasted delicious, the value of the bamboo fruit wine was more important than the taste.

Mrs. Zhu took the bamboo stick and said, "I'll pour it for you. Just a small cup for each person."

Qin Cui hurriedly handed over the cup: "Mrs. Zhu, pour me a cup."

Mrs. Luo, Xu Yi and Lan Zhen believed it and thought it tasted really good, so they asked Mrs. Zhu to pour a small cup.

He Xiang and Wei Zi didn't think much about it. They poured a cup to their mouths and took a sip. They immediately felt bitter. It was astringent and spicy, and it didn't taste good at all. They actually believed Luo Bi's deception.

You are so short-sighted that you believe everything people say.

Mrs. Luo didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Luo Bi was serious about deceiving others, but she actually believed it.

Xu Yi coughed for a while: "It's astringent and doesn't taste good."

Lan Xi didn't want to drink anymore: "No, I can't stand it."

Mrs. Huang stopped her and reminded the uninformed ones: "It tastes bad, but it's good stuff. Don't waste it. It may not be available next time you want to drink it."

Mrs. Luo thought about it and silently took a sip from the cup. Lan Xu also drank in small sips. The more she drank, the worse it tasted. She didn't know what was so good about this bamboo fruit wine. Wei Zita drank the noodles without changing her expression, then took the chopsticks to pick up the vegetables. She didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. It wasn't that she didn't want to say it, but her taste was really irritating.

Luo Bi poured a glass for Qi Yan and sent it to the table of Lei Yan warriors. The child didn't know why, so he took a sip and looked at Luo Bi with a wrinkled face, as if to say, "Why are you teasing me?" I'm not disobedient.

Luo Bi liked seeing this little expression, and happily returned to the women's table without explaining.

Luo Qing looked at the child Qi Yan sympathetically and gave him a glass of water: "Just drink some water."

Qi Yan drank a large glass of water, smashed it in his mouth, and continued drinking.

Because there are enough ingredients, Mrs. Zhu and others put a lot of thought into cooking, frying, steaming and stir-frying, and combining meat and vegetables. Just looking at it will greatly increase your appetite. Even Huang Xinling, who is picky when it comes to eating, stopped being picky. He put his spoon and chopsticks together and ate with his stomach full.

Tang Shao finished eating quickly, went to the woman's table, took the empty bamboo stick, and looked up at Luo Bi, the meaning was self-evident.

Luo Bi was already full. She peeled the river clams and ate them for fun: "Take them away!"

Tang Shao was overjoyed and took the bamboo joint away. Luo Jie and Qin Yilang had refined ropes. They filled the bamboo joint with water and shook it. The water was poured onto the rope. No matter what, they could catch an abalone fish.

Tang Shao knows the Duoxi Bamboo Fruit Wine that is fresh in Babaohe.

The women were confused. They had run out of bamboo wine. What was the use of the diabolo festival? I was wondering, but no one asked.

He Xiang and Wei Zi heard that Luo Bi was going to Zhihuangxing's house to pick purple grapes in the afternoon, and offered to go and help.

Mrs. Zhu also said: "My sisters-in-law are idle at home, so we will go too."

When Mrs. Luo saw this situation, she said, "Let's go together."

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