Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1623 She beat him down

Qi Yan raised his eyebrows and said: "You don't know, when Qi Han entered the forest a while ago, the winged rabbit and pheasant bumped into her feet and fainted. Just like Bai Zhan, many people said that she was very lucky. , you can sit at home without worrying about food and clothing.”

Luo Bi didn't quite believe it and laughed: "It's so evil!"

"Yes, I have seen it a few times. A native pig was caught in a bush in a hurry. Qi Han happened to be passing by and picked it up." Qi Yan was worried and sighed like a little adult: "Since there have been no large exotic pigs in Shuishan, Beast, everyone digs and collects wild vegetables whenever they have free time to add some income to the family. It’s all right now. Except for wild vegetables and some inedible wild fruits, there is nothing else to be found in Millet Mountain and the surrounding mountains.”

"What do you mean?" Luo Bi didn't understand.

After entering the forest, everyone was looking for their own things. Qi Han took her luck, and others were lucky enough to collect less supplies, so there was no reason why they couldn't find anything. Luo Bi was puzzled and looked at Qi Yan. Qi Han's surname was Qi, and Qi Yan's surname was also Qi. She didn't know if the two were from the same family.

At this time, the wind blew some rain to the feet of the two of them. Luo Bi pulled the child back and approached the stone wall of the hill.

Qi Yan said dissatisfied: "Qi Han has caught all the pheasant wings and rabbits. Medicinal herbs, spiritual plants, millet, energy fruits, etc., as long as they are valuable, Qi Han has plundered almost all of them."

Speaking of this, the child was in a low mood: "At first, everyone was not well-off, and the cold winter was coming soon. I discussed with a few friends to collect food for the woman at home. Who knows, she collected all the ingredients and took them away. She Even if you’re lucky, you can’t let others mess with you.”

The child's eyes turned red when he thought of his mother: "Luo Bi, you are also lucky, but every time he wants to help us, this Qi Han is so cruel. I have been walking around Shuishan with several children from the central district these days. After searching all over, I only collected two kilograms of green dates, which were left over after others collected them."

Luo Bi squinted her eyes, she was the one who conquered Mishan Mountain, but she didn't expect to take advantage of Qi Han.

"Winter is coming soon, and I don't know what to do." Qi Yan, a child with wet eyelashes, murmured: "If not, I will go into the mountains with my friends, otherwise my mother will not have enough nutritious food to eat this winter. "

If a woman does not eat nutritious food in winter, her body will suffer losses. In the future interstellar, both adults and children will know this.

No child wants his mother to die early. Therefore, as soon as he is sensible, he knows that winter is coming and he has to move supplies from home.


It's hard to talk to your husband, but a good man can talk to you about anything. If you marry a selfish man, he will care whether you live or die. In the interstellar future, women's greatest reliance is not on men, but on their children.

Don't even think about having no heirs for the rest of your life, but such women usually marry S-level or above strong-gene thunder flame warriors, so there is no need to worry about food.

Thunder Flame Warriors with strong genes can still afford to raise women, and they can also afford to raise children, but unfortunately those who can afford it have no children.

Therefore, if you are strong and you are awesome, you deserve to have no children, even if you refuse to accept it.

The child Qi Yan looked downcast. Luo Bi glanced at him, thoughtfully.

Before she married Fengling, she was also busy moving supplies home during the winter storage season, so she could naturally understand Qi Yan's mood. But she was not dissatisfied with Qi Han. Survival of the fittest, whether it was luck or not, you can't blame others for being cruel if you are not capable.

However, it is indeed a bit greedy to plunder a whole millet mountain based on good luck.

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