Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1624 That’s Zhang Yang

Luo Bi thought about it, but she still didn't quite believe it. She believed that a person was lucky, but she didn't believe that he was so lucky. She only found it funny that Qi Han, a pheasant-winged rabbit, bumped into him.

Is there such a good thing in the world?

Once or twice is fine, but if it happens more often, it becomes evil.

Loved by God?


Qi Han looks particularly good?

Luo Bi sneered. Those dried jujubes might look better if they were raised in a wealthy family. After thinking about it repeatedly, Luo Bi didn't think that Qi Han had anything special, so she didn't believe that Qi Han was blessed.

He has a good heart, a bad appearance, a mediocre family background, and can't do everything, so what else is there to say.

Luo Bi demoted Qi Han to be worthless, thought for a while, and asked Qi Yan: "Have you searched carefully? Shuishan is rich in materials, and it didn't take long for the large beasts to be driven out. Qi Han is No matter how much you can search, you won’t be able to collect everything.”

She didn't mention that she had conquered Miushan herself, and wanting to keep a low profile was not just a matter of words. Everyone knew that she would make a fuss over the slightest thing she did. That's not called low-key, that's called publicity.

It's so obvious that it's so obvious that it's nonsense to talk about being low-key, and Robbie never duplicity.

Qi Yan thought for a moment and shook his head: "I don't know if Qi Han has collected everything, but my friends and I go to the area in Shuishan every day. Apart from wild fruits and vegetables, we can hardly collect any other materials."

Even if Qi Yan said so, Luo Bi still didn't believe it, she chatted with Qi Yan a few more words, got on the suspension car and went to Mrs. Zhu's house.

The rain fell very quickly, with gusts of wind blowing, and the rain fell obliquely to the ground, stirring up small bubbles, which were then washed away by the current.

Several small little Leiyan warriors were marching in the rain, without even bringing any equipment to protect them from the rain. A few children took advantage of their physical fitness to walk in the rain, and loudly greeted their friends who came to join them.

Luo Bi drove by, and vaguely heard something about the safe zone, probably these children wanted to take advantage of the rainy day to go to the forest to collect mushrooms and the like.

Mrs. Zhu is checking the accounts at home, and the hunting teams of the Zhu family have been sent out one by one, but the materials collected so far are far from the plan. Mrs. Zhu sighed, feeling a little worried. The Zhu family needed support, and the supplies were too short. She had nothing to do.

Seeing Luo Bi come in, Mrs. Zhu turned off her computer, got up and led people to sit down in the glazed gallery hall where flowers and plants were planted: "Do you need help cleaning the purple grapes at home? I'm free in the afternoon."

Of course it is needed, but Luo Bi said: "No need."

Mrs. Zhu pushed the melon seed plate to Luo Bi's hand: "You don't like to eat melon seeds, these are five-flavored ones, I bought them a few days ago, they are crispy and fragrant."

Knowing that it was Qi Han who sold it, Luo Bi pretended to have no intention of asking, "How many interstellar coins per catty?"

"Fifty interstellar coins." Mrs. Zhu ate a melon seed while talking, and she liked the melon seeds from this roasted seeds and nuts shop.

Ordinary plant melon seeds are only five Star Coins per catty, and those containing nutritional energy are twenty Star Coins per catty. This kind of bulk melon seeds cost fifty Star Coins per catty? This is too expensive.

Luo Bi smiled, and didn't intend to eat melon seeds: "Plant melon seeds are not cheap at this price."

"It's really not cheap." Mrs. Zhu nodded and peeled the melon seeds slowly: "My children like to eat more expensive ones, but I usually don't buy more. I buy half a catty at a time and eat them for several days."

Luo Bi was chatting, and said with a smile: "I can eat half a catty in a day, and I can eat melon seeds very quickly."

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