Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1633 Grows Fast

Everyone was busy with their own business, and no one was in the way of anyone else. Half an hour later, the sky turned dark, and the mountains and forests became as dark as night. Before a group of people could react, strong winds and rain fell.

The sudden rainstorm was so sudden and violent that people were caught off guard. Luo Bi followed a group of children to hide under the mountain wall. She planned to continue picking mushrooms and ear vegetables, so she did not get to the car.

After things stabilized, everyone realized that it was not just rain but also hail.

The hailstones were as big as jujubes, not very big, but not small either. At least they were different from ice particles. In the blink of an eye, they were covered with a small layer on the ground.

A child reached out and picked up a hailstone, and said in annoyance: "It's already annoying enough with the rains these days, and it's raining again. I originally planned to go on a mission with the hunting team. How can I collect supplies in this kind of weather?"

Other children echoed: "Yes, yes, they didn't want to take us with them in the first place."

A group of children talked all over each other and got very upset when it came to collecting supplies.

Luo Bi listened and interjected from time to time: "This kind of mission is just inconvenient and does not hinder the collection of supplies. As long as you are not afraid of hardship, you can still collect things. There is no shortage of wild vegetables and mushrooms."

"People don't want to take children." The child next to him answered and curled his lips: "The hunting team thinks that we are in the way and we are not strong enough to fight. If there is no one they know, people are not willing to take women and children. If our Jade Bamboo Star also organizes teams to go out. Well, women and children can follow."

The child leaned out, picked up the hailstones on the ground, picked them up and threw them out with all his strength, showing how depressed he was.

The wind blew in waves with the rain, making it feel cool and rainy. There was not much space to hide under the mountain wall. If the wind got stronger, the raindrops would hit the people standing on the edge.

The ones in front stepped back, trying not to get caught by the rain that came diagonally.

Not far away, a two or three-year-old child shrank, obviously cold.

Luo Bi pointed at the child and reminded the older children: "He seems to be cold, don't freeze."

One of the children, about ten years old, glanced at it and replied: "Dongdong grows fast."

Luo Bi: "..." God replied, but she was speechless.

That's right, she really wanted to ask the other party, who the hell did you hear that Dongdong grows fast? ! ! Persimmons are delicious frozen, but I have never heard of children growing up quickly.

Luo Bi complained in her heart, but said nothing. Whether these children were cold or not had nothing to do with her.

The hail stopped for more than ten minutes, but the storm was still fierce. The children knew that the rain would not stop for a while, so they opened the bags to sort the mushrooms and pick out the ear vegetables.

The work of picking and sorting has to be done sooner or later, so it is better to sort it out while you can.

Luo Bi stood aside and watched, and then asked: "Which of you has the final say? I have a job in hand, are you interested?"

The children looked in the direction of their captain. The boy who said Dongdong grew up quickly looked at Luo Bi: "What kind of job?"

"Pick up river fresh food." Luo Bi looked at the little boy without any trace, knowing that he had the final say when he answered, so she said: "We calculate work by day, pay with river fresh food, pick up river fresh food per day and one pound of river fresh food, working hours The length of the stay is uncertain, and you may have to work at night.”

The child opposite frowned. Luo Bi did not despise the other person as a child at all. In terms of life experience, she may not be as good as a child.

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