Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1634 Sell well

The child opposite frowned. Luo Bi did not underestimate the fact that the other person was a child. In terms of life experience, she may not be as good as a child. She asked: "What's your name?"

"My name is Xu Shen, the captain of the Little Thunder Flame Warriors in the central area." The other party introduced himself.

Xu Shen? Luo Bi suddenly thought that victory was not allowed and she couldn't help but asked with a smile: "What's the name of your brother?"

The child next to me chatted: "My name is Xu Xun."

Xu Xun only allowed success but not failure. Luo Bi understood and smiled: "The name is very good."

"What kind of river food is it?" Xu Shen asked what he was most concerned about: "Small fish and shrimps are not good. If the types of river food are too low, we might as well go out with others and harvest more in a day."

Luo Bi naturally understood the accounting involved. After a hard day's work, she gained very little, so who would do it? No one is a fool: "Red claw crabs, jumping shrimps and the like, and river clams."

The children whispered to each other: "Red claw crabs are fine. They have high nutritional value. I want to eat one pound a day."

"Hmm, red claw crabs are a good deal, but river clams are not good. They have less meat and more shells. They are just delicious."

"You can also jump on shrimps, I want to do it too."

Xu Shen was obviously tempted, but he had to ask clearly: "Are you in charge of the food?"

Luo Bi shook her head: "I don't care about food, I don't have time."

Xu Shen nodded, having made up his mind: "How many people will you use? On what planet will you go on a mission?"

"Going on a mission on Qingyao Star." Luo Bi thought for a while and said: "No more than ten people are enough. You can decide on your own. But the people I want must be quick and hard-working. They can't be calculated on a daily basis." Work is cheating and cheating."

"Don't worry about this." Xu Shen promised, and then said: "I'll take this job. When will we set off?"

Luo Bi thought about it and asked Xu Shen and the others to go find someone by themselves. It was not very appropriate, so she said: "In the afternoon, I will go with you after lunch. Can you contact the airship flying to Qingyao Star?"

Xu Shen said: "Let me try, how can I contact you when I leave?"

"My name is Luo Bi, and I live in the family area of ​​​​the headquarters." Luo Bi did not want to stand out, so she reported the Zhu family head: "You can just contact the head of the Zhu family, the consul of the headquarters, Mrs. Zhu can also do it."

Xu Shen looked at Luo Bi a few more times and nodded to indicate that he understood. He was thinking about making arrangements to set off at noon. He would have half a catty of river fresh food in half a day.

After the two reached an agreement, and when the heavy rain turned to moderate rain, everyone hurriedly picked a bunch of mushrooms and ear vegetables and left the forest to go home.

When Luo Bi returned home, she unloaded the turnover boxes and moved them all the way to the material warehouse. In her own material warehouse, the materials collected by Fengling were placed in the front yard material warehouse, and she moved them to the backyard.

The supply warehouse in the backyard currently only contains millet grains. Luo Bi tapped the quantity. There were twenty bags in total, about two thousand kilograms. Plus half a box of mushrooms and ear vegetables, the quantity was still far from enough.

Luo Bi thought about it and tried to collect as many supplies as possible before winter.

After leaving the material warehouse, Lieutenant General Mi Yue's communication dial came over. Luo Bi looked at the communicator and picked up. Lieutenant General Mi Yue had nothing else to do but sell well and tell Luo Bi some good news.

"At present, one-third of the edge of the planet of Cuizhu Star has been cleared. The garrison base is considering allowing family members to collect supplies. If you are interested, come over as soon as possible." Lieutenant General Mi Yue smiled: "There are many good things in the place occupied by Warcraft. , if you want to grab good things, you must strike first.”

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