Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1635 The price is too expensive

Luo Bi knew that Cuizhuxing had abundant resources, so she was not in a hurry to go: "I know about Lieutenant General Mi. I will go to Qingyao Star after noon."

When Lieutenant General Mi Yue received the notification, he hung up the communication.

Luo Bi thought for a while, got in the car and went to the Feizhu Star headquarters, and told the Zhu family leader the news: "Feizhu Planet is under the jurisdiction of Zhihuang Star. The family members at the Zhihuang Star garrison base can collect supplies. Feizhuxing Family members of the headquarters are also welcome. Uncle Zhu, do you want to fight for benefits for Feizhu Star? If so, hurry up."

Needless to say, the head of the Zhu family thought too much and hurriedly called Wei Yu who gave the mission and asked him to talk to Lieutenant General Mi Yue.

When Wei Yu heard this, he was naturally unambiguous: "Wait, I'll go find Lieutenant General Mi right away."

Luo Bi was in a hurry to go home, but the head of the Zhu family stopped her: "It's not too late to leave later."

Luo Bi thought for a while and waited for the news together. The head of the Zhu family moved a box of nutritious fruits to Luo Bi and asked her to choose what she liked. He also asked her what she was busy with these days and chatted about daily life.

Ten minutes later, Wei Yu sent back a message: "The deal has been agreed, hurry up and organize a team of family members to come over! The area cleared by Cuizhuxing is rich in resources, and those who come early will benefit from it. The family members of the garrison may come over tomorrow. .”

Luo Bi was listening to the side, calculating the time in her mind. This is how to collect supplies. Those who arrive first will grab a batch first. Naturally, those who move slowly are not as good as those who move quickly. It is not too late for Feizhuxing to get the news, and it is not too late to organize people now. .

Patriarch Zhu was naturally quick to seek benefits for the planet he ruled. He hung up the communication and immediately made arrangements. Luo Bi proposed to leave with a wink, and Patriarch Zhu gave her a box of nutritious fruits.

Robbie refused: "I don't want it, I have it at home."

In fact, there is none at home, and all the fruits have been eaten, but she still has to be polite. Luo Bi still can't do what others ask for. She was not a child, so she wanted to take something with her before leaving, but Luo Bi didn't want it.

The head of the Zhu family personally moved a box of fruits to the suspended sports car: "This box of fruits is very nutritious and energy-rich. There are bamboo fruits, Puwu fruits, and batches. If you can't finish them, you can give them to your parents. If you don't want them, I'll be polite to Uncle Zhu." What."

The head of the Zhu family mentioned three kinds of fruits, but Luo Bi has only eaten one. Bamboo fruit is not as delicious as everyone thinks. It is sour, astringent, and dry. Luo Bi has forgotten the taste, but it is definitely a trick. Son.

As for pistachios and loquats?

I haven’t tried it before, the price is too expensive, and Luo Bi doesn’t know what it tastes like.

The head of the Zhu family has said this. Luo Bi is no longer polite. She will eat the delicious ones and give the unpalatable ones to her parents. When she gets home, she will taste the taste of Puwu fruit and loquat.

Opening the door and getting in the car, Luo Bi asked: "When will the family team leave? I contacted a few children to work on Qingyao Star, and I want them to take the family team's spaceship there."

"Tomorrow morning, we can't move too slowly." The head of the Zhu family never lags behind others.

Luo Bi nodded, drove home, and dialed Xu Shen's message to tell him about the spaceship. Xu Shen felt that the departure time in the afternoon was a bit tight, so he had more time, so he hurriedly agreed.

When Luo Bi came home, Luo Hang was cleaning the fresh fish, a basin of river clams, and two red claw crabs. It was agreed in the morning that Luo Bi will eat this, she won't eat stewed chicken and duck, if you have the ability to stew it, you can eat it yourself, anyway, Luo Bi won't eat it.

This evil temper, Luo Hangfu, even if he refuses to accept it, if he gets used to it, he will continue to get used to it no matter how angry he is.

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