Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1636 The expensive ones are different

Luo Bi washed the fruit and gave it to her parents. Luo Hang knew it was a gift from someone else, so he washed his hands and took the fruit. He took a bite and said, "The price is different. This tastes much better than what I had before."

Guan Zhuting smiled and took a loquat to eat. Luo Bi nodded, thinking deeply, and picked another bamboo fruit for her father: "The expensive one is of course delicious. Try this bamboo fruit again, it is more delicious than the Puwu fruit." .”

Luo Hang believed it. He could count all the expensive fruits he had eaten in his life on the palm of his hand. He didn't know what the bamboo fruit tasted like. He took a bite of the bamboo fruit and immediately Luo Hang stopped talking and stared at his daughter. On fire.

"Is it delicious?" Luo Bi asked angrily.

Luo Hang took a deep breath and swallowed the dry pulp in his mouth. No matter how unpalatable it was, it was expensive. It was hard to spit out what he had eaten. He glanced sideways at Luo Bi: "Don't call me father anymore." .”

Luo Bi smiled and didn't take it seriously. Guan Zhuting took the bamboo fruit from Luo Hang's hand: "What's wrong? I took a bite of the bamboo fruit and didn't let the child call me father. Isn't it delicious? Let me try it."

Luo Bi continued to laugh: "Yes, try them all."

Guan Zhuting tasted it, but her reaction was not as big as Luo Hang's: "The taste is indeed not good. Freshly picked bamboo fruits are relatively raw, and they will taste better after being left for a while."

Luo Bi was surprised and immediately said: "Take them all away. I won't eat them if they are left for a while. Since Mom doesn't think they taste bad, you can take them home and eat them yourself!"

After all, it is a high-grade nutritious fruit. Guan Zhuting was just about to say that she could just take a few. Luo Hang quickly picked out the bamboo fruits and said, "That's okay. You can eat the puwu fruits and loquats, and give the bamboo fruits to your mother." Eat, she likes to eat.”

Guan Zhuting: "······."

Why did she say she liked eating it? This partiality is too obvious. Guan Zhuting's mood is very complicated. Her daughter is her biological daughter and her wife can divorce at any time, but it can't be so obvious? ! !

Luo Hang was picking bamboo fruits, while Luo Bi was busy putting puwu fruits and loquats into small cartons: "Eating the same fruit alone will not be nutritionally balanced, so eat it alternately."

Guan Zhuting felt relieved. In this family, her daughter was kind to her and she was in a good mood. She stepped forward to stop her: "High-grade nutritional fruits are good for the body. You can keep them for yourself. I will eat the bamboo fruits."

Luo Hang also said: "Keep what others give you."

Luo Bi lost her temper again: "Why are you so annoying! I don't give them all to you, I just give some to my mother, and I eat the rest myself."

Yes, upon hearing this tone, Luo Hang and his wife stopped stopping them.

Luo Bi gave Guan Zhuting five Puwu fruits and five loquats. Luo Hang took a deep breath and moved the small carton aside, taking it away when he left. Guan Zhuting ate the bamboo fruits and loquats in her hands and hurried to the kitchen to make lunch, while Luo Hang went to bake river fresh food.

The family members received a notice at noon to organize a team to collect supplies from Cuizhuxing early tomorrow morning. After dinner, each family did not take a lunch break and hurriedly packed up all the needed tools.

Wei Zi ran to Luo Bi: "Are you going? Let's go together."

"Go, you came just in time. I'll ask Aunt Zhu and the others later. Let's go together." Luo Bi had a good impression of the little girl. She pushed the fruit plate to Wei Zi and sat at the wooden table in the yard to browse the computer. : "I plan to buy more cartons, buckets and turnover boxes. What have you prepared? It has been raining constantly on the nearby planet recently. After the water level of the Flood River rises, there should be more fresh water."

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