Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1637 Preparations

Wei Zi sat next to him and saw that there were Puwu fruits in the fruit plate. He looked away without moving.

Luo Bi continued to browse the optical brain, and Wei Tiao looked at it with his head hooked: "I bought a lot of turnover boxes from the dungeon, which are cheaper than those on the star network. Have you placed an order? If you haven't placed an order, you can go to the dungeon to buy them." , thirty interstellar coins per turnover box.”

There is a turnover box of 50 interstellar coins on the star network, which is nearly half short. Luo Bi's heart moved, and Wei Tiao continued: "I just bought 50 turnover boxes from the Dungeon Trading Center, and I forgot to buy a bucket. , thank you for reminding me, otherwise I would be blinded when I use it. Do you want to buy it? Let’s go to the dungeon together."

Luo Bi was moved when she heard about the newly-incoming goods. The newly-incoming goods meant that others had not picked and picked them, so she liked the ones that others had not touched.

"Let's go, let's go now." Luo Bi turned off her brain and stood up.

Wei Zi drove the hover car, and while Luo Bi was driving, he ran out and got in the car to wait.

In less than ten minutes, the two people drove to the underground city, and the staff of the trading center received them.

The staff pointed to the shelf for them to see: "The goods we just bought are available in various sizes. How big are the turnover boxes for the two of you? The largest turnover box here is 30 star coins, and the medium-sized one is 25 yuan. One Star Coin, twenty Star Coins for a small one, you can compare."

No need to compare, Luo Bi pointed to the blue turnover box and said: "I want one thousand medium-sized and small-sized ones of this color."

Wei Zi was looking at the communicator when he suddenly raised his head when he heard this. The staff was overjoyed and took Luo Bi to count the amount and pay the bill after confirming that the amount was correct. Luo Bi never hesitated when buying things. When she saw that others had cartons, buckets, bamboo baskets, and pockets, she bought them all.

Wei Tiao was taken aback for a while, and then bought some more cardboard bamboo baskets, and then Luo Bi bought nutritional seasonings, oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, but Wei Tiao didn't follow suit. .

Finally, Luo Bi entered a high-end clothing store, saw small skirts and jackets, and bought several more.

Wei Zi followed behind and asked, "Don't you have any children at home? Why did you buy these?"

It's so small, who can wear it? ! ! Wei Zi was puzzled.

Luo Bi didn't hide it, and replied: "I bought it for Wu Shao and Zhan Shao."

Wei Zi nodded, and after Luo Bi bought enough, they left the dungeon. After that, the two separated. Luo Bi went to Mrs. Zhu's house and asked her if she was going. Mrs. Zhu said yes. Not only did she go, but also several of the Zhu family's sisters-in-law went.

After leaving Zhu's house, Luo Bi asked Mrs. Luo again, and Mrs. Luo also said to go. The atmosphere among the family members was high that afternoon, and they contacted each other with good relations, and they made an appointment to set off with the team together tomorrow morning.

When she got home, her parents were away, so she was probably going home to make preparations. Luo Bi took a walk around the front and back yards, and went to the supply warehouse to put two bags of millet into a storage bracelet. She prepared everything she could think of and went out to buy a lot of snacks.

Early the next morning, Luo Bi first took Wei Tiao and He Xiang to Qingyao Planet, and then the spaceship of the family team arrived, put down the children in the central area, and the spaceship went to Cuizhu Planet.

Xu Shen brought more than a dozen children this time, and the youngest was two or three years old. Tang Shao's eyes fell on the youngest child from high to low, and the corners of his mouth twitched. What can such a young person do? Round up the number of people?

Xu Shen stood up and said, "Their share will come from our remuneration, so you don't have to worry."

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