Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1639 Xu Family

Usually the children are very happy when they catch a river fish, but this time they don't have to catch it. The small bucket and basket are placed on the ground and they can't even hug them all. After they finish hugging here, there are river fish there, and the river fish is everywhere.

What does this feel like?

The children couldn't use their eyes anymore, and they hurriedly pushed hard into the small baskets and buckets. They knew clearly that they were not from their own family, they were just working people, but they couldn't explain the feeling of energy all over their bodies.

The children were not only in a hurry, they were also anxious and couldn't help shouting: "I'm here, you go over there, there are a lot of them over there, there are red claw crabs and jumping shrimps, there are so many!"

The children ran around like the wind, no need to push them, sticking their little buttocks out and pulling as hard as they could to feed.

Luo Bi was relieved, and so was Xu Jinran. Everyone was busy and said hello and dispersed. Xu Jinran ran quickly to fight at Xiaozuluo, while Tang Shao and Luo Bi went to Cuizhuxing together.

On the way, Tang Shao asked nonchalantly: "Why did you think of contacting those children for work? It seems you don't know each other very well."

Luo Bi didn't hide anything, and told Qi Han about the situation of plundering all the food in Milishan Mountain: "Originally, everyone went to Milishan Mountain to collect ingredients, but this time they went there but failed again and again. I accidentally met this group of children, so I mentioned it. Mention, I’m really not familiar with it.”

Tang Shao sneered. With his status, he would not take a small person like Qi Han seriously, but rabbits don't eat grass on the edge of their nests, but this woman chewed the grass on the edges of other people's nests. Thinking about it, she let There is no good impression in life.

He Xiang had been staying in Jade Bamboo Star for a while and had heard about Qi Han. He couldn't help but ask: "Will Qi Han come with you this time?" From his tone, it was obvious that he didn't want Qi Han to follow. There were people in the team. What does such a person have to do with others?

Wei Zi frowned, not very happy to go on a mission with someone like Qi Han. Luo Bi had the same idea as them, but still replied: "It's possible that her relatives are family members."

Everyone stopped talking. After a while, the topic changed and they started talking about the Xu family where Xu Jinran lived.

The Xu family of the Fengyao Empire has lived on the Emperor Star for generations. It was originally a wealthy family that reached its peak thousands of years ago, and the children of the family have become elites in generations. Such a well-established family is said to have been in business for generations, and its power is evident.

That's right, the Xu family's family fortune is a bit tricky.

As an aristocratic family, the Xu family has a rich heritage. It does not matter if one generation is cheated. For example, if you cut down ten trees in a bamboo forest, there will still be a large area. As long as the entire bamboo forest grows well, ten missing bamboos will not damage the roots.

But if it’s the elites who have been tricked by generations of elites, generation after generation, that’s not the case at all. You can’t stand it!

After being trapped for thousands of years, the Xu family simply followed the mystical masters, and followed whoever awakened the mystical ability. Ever since Bai Yan became the chief mystic master of Fengyao Empire, the Xu family has followed Bai Yan. Don't ask why, the Xu family doesn't want to choke their teeth even if they drink cold water.

While talking, several people arrived at Cuizhuxing.

The newly developed ship parking area was on a broad platform in the north. Luo Bi did not go there, but drove up the small rocky mountain. Fengling was busy fighting and glanced in this direction. Luo Bi did not disturb him, got off the suspended sports car, and went to look for his family members with He Xiang and Wei Zi.

Tang Shao did not follow, but took the colorful bracelet to assist in the battle.

When Luo Bi, He Xiang, and Wei Tzu went looking for it, the bamboo forest was full of people. Everyone was afraid of losing money, so they all moved by grabbing.

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