Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1640 The First Year Chapter 640 She doesn’t want it

The crowd is in twos and threes, and those who are familiar with each other stay together.

After taking a quick look, I saw some people I knew and some I didn't, but I didn't see Mrs. Zhu or Mrs. Huang. They must have gone to other bamboo forests.

It was still morning, the grass was covered with dew, and the whole planet was filled with vitality.

Family members, both adults and children, were rushing like crazy to collect ingredients and dig out medicinal plants. They saw winged rabbits chasing winged rabbits and pheasants catching pheasants. There was endless noise in the bamboo forest.

The edge planet is very large and difficult to find after the crowds dispersed. Luo Bi discussed it with Wei Zi and He Xiang and decided to search for Madam Zhu and the others while collecting.

Luo Bi was playing with the small basket: "If you find it, find it. If you can't find it, the three of us will be together."

At this time, the team of family members had almost plundered this small bamboo forest and were scattering to other bamboo forests one by one. Some children who couldn't calm down had even jumped to other places.

He Xiang looked around: "Which direction are we going?"

Luo Bi didn't care. She walked around with a small basket and looked around: "This area has just been divided. There are no large exotic beasts or magical beasts. It will be the same no matter which direction you go."

She glanced at the wild vegetables on the ground and turned a blind eye. They were all leftovers dug up by others, which she didn't want.

"Let's look ahead." Wei Tiao suggested.

"That's fine." Luo Bi picked up the small basket and left.

He Xiang and Wei Zi followed behind. No one was a fool. In this situation, those who fell behind would not be able to collect good things. At first, the three of them were mixed in with several groups of family members, digging for medicinal plants and spiritual plants, picking up high-level ones. The low-level ones passed by without even looking at them, and gradually walked to the front.

Others were not to be outdone, picking up good things if they were there, and running forward if there were no good things.

Fortunately, the edge planet of Green Bamboo Star is big enough. After the family members are dispersed, there will not be a large number of people crowded into a bamboo forest to grab it. Those who walk in front may not necessarily take advantage of all the benefits, because they run so fast that some good things are missed, allowing those behind to get a big advantage.

Therefore, good luck, careful thinking, and good eyesight are the key. Those who run ahead may not always take advantage.

It's the same wherever you go if you have blind eyes. Good things are hanging on your eyelids. If you are blind, you can't see them. There's nothing you can do about it. Therefore, he ran back as fast as he could and saw that someone had dug up a rare spiritual plant, circling around him, feeling envious and jealous.

"I just searched here, but why didn't I see a rare spiritual plant?" The chubby woman muttered, staring at the spiritual plant in the little girl's hand and wanting to snatch it away: "This plant is of good quality, at least It has to be sold for 5,000 interstellar coins, right? It was originally mine. You were lucky and you picked it up. I should have looked carefully before leaving."

"I don't know if there are any around here?"

There were more than just one or two who were jealous, digging up a spiritual plant would cost thousands. No matter how much I thought about it, I became extremely jealous. Some family members' eyes turned red and they scattered around to look for it. It's so embarrassing that a rare spiritual plant is just gone. Thinking about it makes me heartbroken.

It is said that the interstellar coins come quickly after missions, but they are also accumulated in the same way. As soon as the price is lowered by the acquirer, the interstellar coins are greatly reduced.

Therefore, a spiritual plant that can sell for thousands is naturally tempting.

Some people are quick-thinking and quick-moving. They roughly search around for a while, but when they see nothing, they quickly go elsewhere.

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