Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1642 It’s hard for you to talk about her

Walking through a bamboo forest, He Xiang found a jujube and apricot tree and invited Wei Zi and Luo Bi to pick it together. Wei Ting and Luo Bi were embarrassed. A fruit tree is not a field of wild vegetables. How could they be embarrassed to pick it? Their faces were not that big.

They were embarrassed that someone was so embarrassed. Lan Yingying and Wen Ya ran over happily, and after a few words, they took action.

This is shameless! Luo Bi glanced sideways at Lan Yingying, don't you all know her? People who don’t know each other can shamelessly grab the fruit, but everyone is an acquaintance, so this is too shameless.

Wei Zi was angry: "We are going to pick it too. We are both embarrassed, but others are not polite at all."

"You go ahead, I won't go." Luo Bi annoyed Lan Yingying and tried not to interact with others.

Wei Ting stomped her feet and ran over to grab the jujubes and apricots, a nutritious fruit worth five hundred interstellar coins per kilogram. Why didn't she pick them? Not only did she have to pick them, but she also had to move quickly to grab some, not to give others an advantage.

Luo Bi took a casual stroll and picked a few handfuls of bamboo fungus. Unfortunately, there were no chickens. If there were chickens, she and Fengling could stew chicken with bamboo fungus for lunch. Just after arriving, Luo Bi was thinking about what to eat for lunch. Compared with others who were focused on collecting supplies, her thoughts were obviously different.

Why would others fight over a chicken, but Luo Bi didn't care. It was okay to collect supplies, but not to lose your mentality. Being too crazy for things, and even disowning your relatives, was not advisable.

Are Lan Yingying and He Xiang not familiar? Lan Yingying can brazenly fight with familiar people. There are many such people, and it's hard for you to tell her off.

After picking the small jujube and apricot tree, the two groups separated. Half an hour later, Luo Bi and the others rejoined the larger group. Mrs. Zhu and Mrs. Luo each had their own harvest, their baskets were full, and there was no time to sort the various ingredients mixed together.

Although the small basket Luo Bi was carrying was almost full, it was incomparable to other people's backpacks.

Along the way, Wei Tiao and He Xiang's baskets were also full, for no other reason than they wanted everything.

Unlike Luo Bi, don't want this kind of thing, don't want that kind of thing, pick and choose and naturally get less.

Luo Bi didn't care too much. After greeting everyone, she followed her parents to collect ingredients and chattered by the way. Luo Bi was in charge of talking, Luo Hang and Guan Zhuting were in charge of listening, when enough chattering, Luo Bi went for a walk elsewhere.

Just talking is dry, so she takes a break.

Women and children basically concentrated in the bamboo forest. Some of the Lei Yan warriors who were family members gathered together to discuss and chat with each other, and went to the Xun River to fish for fresh water.

When Orange Spoon found out that so many people came to Cuizhuxing to grab supplies from it, he became impatient, shuttled through the bamboo forest for a while, and ran to the Xun River to drink water. Ever since the spoons put on their jerseys, they no longer use themselves as spoons, lying flat to scoop river fresh? That's absolutely not okay.

The orange spoon thought of touching the water with his hands.

Unable to catch the fresh water from the river, Orange Spoon asked Zhan Spoon and Wu Spoon to help. He pointed at the flood river and fooled Wu Spoon and Zhan Spoon into lying down to scoop up the river freshness. There was also a red porcelain spoon, and Orange Spoon even trapped his own soldiers.

The red porcelain spoon was not very happy, and the orange spoon pushed the spoon: Lie flat and scoop the river fresh.

The orange spoon was chopped off: You scoop it up and I'll pick it up, and I'll share half of it with you.

The red porcelain spoon is still not very happy, take a look at the little clothes on my body, grab it with my little hands! The orange spoon pushed it again, signaling to the red porcelain spoon to hurry up, no matter what happened, it would always flicker down the three spoons.

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