Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1643 The profits are huge

The red porcelain spoon still didn't move, and the orange spoon fooled Zhan Spoon and Wu Spoon again.

Zhan Shao and Wu Shao believed in its evil deeds and lay down to scoop fresh food from the river? Why doesn't Orange Spoon do it? It must be out of good intentions. Wu Shaoshao and Zhan Shaoshao pressed the orange spoon without saying a word and then beat them up. Regardless of whether they were deceived or not, they beat them first.

I didn’t cheat this time, and next time, I won’t suffer any loss if I get beaten up.

Orange Spoon has a lot of good intentions, but Zhan Spoon and Wu Spoon can't stand it and don't believe it, which is a bit of a trap.

Orange Spoon was beaten to death, and he looked at people fishing for river fresh food. The more he watched, the more jealous he became. He ran around the bamboo forest and carried the bamboo basket to the rocky hill to look for Wu Shao. Wu Shao watched the orange spoon gesture for a long time, not knowing what it was going to do. The orange spoon faced the others again.

"Luo Bi is in the bamboo forest, go find her." Wen Xiao gave Orange Spoon an idea.

Orange Spoon went looking for it, asking Red Porcelain Spoon to go with him. While searching in the bamboo forest, he collected supplies. In Orange Spoon's eyes, a fruit is also an interstellar currency, and he cannot give others any advantage.

When Orange Spoon came over, Luo Bi was walking around, and others were scattered around.

Collecting supplies is not suitable for a group of people to gather together. There is a certain distance between each other. Some people walked to another bamboo forest. Before more people came to Cuizhuxing to collect supplies, everyone was eager to search first.

At this time, no one will stop in one place, everyone is concentrating on searching while walking.

The autumn sun was hot and the temperature in the bamboo forest was rising. Luo Bi felt a little hot. When she looked up, she was a little surprised to see the orange spoon and the red porcelain spoon. The orange spoon made some gestures, and Luo Bi shook her head, saying she didn't understand what it was going to do.

Just a broken spoon can do a lot, who knows what it will do.

Orange Spoon was extremely anxious. After ten o'clock, someone organized a trade trip to Qingyao Star, and those who were interested immediately went there.

He Xiang and Wei Zi were going to trade and asked Luo Bi if they were going. Luo Bi was noncommittal and thought about it before going along. By the way, they also called Orange Spoon, Wu Spoon, and Zhan Spoon, and Red Porcelain Spoon naturally had to follow.

Qing Yao Star has gathered all kinds of acquirers. Except for a few aristocratic families, Xun Juan and Wei Yu have particularly outstanding financial resources, and the acquirers of Feizhu Star Underground City are also among them.

Earn at a low price and sell at a high price. Businessmen have a keen sense of smell and are the most profit-seeking.

Wherever they could earn interstellar coins, they would collect it. Ingredients that could only be purchased for thousands of interstellar coins on the central planet were priced at a very low price. Here, even dozens of interstellar coins could be purchased, and the profits were huge.

The acquirers of Feizhu Star did not go to the trading square to join in the fun. They found an open space by the Xun River on the edge of the Qing Yao Star planet and started trading. Trading venue.

The family members asked about the price, took out the items to be sold, roughly classified them, and then traded, and the trading place became lively for a while.

Wei Zi squeezed into the crowd and asked the price, then ran back and said: "Wild vegetables cost three interstellar coins per pound, bamboo fungus costs thirty interstellar coins, and other mushrooms cost fifteen interstellar coins. I've asked, and the prices on both sides are about the same. You guys To whom should I sell it?”

Luo Bi said directly: "Anyone will do. I only have a small basket of bamboo fungus and mushrooms."

Wei Zi then led two people to the acquisition area of ​​the Xun and Wei families. Wei Wei was her cousin, and it was understandable that she would take care of her cousin's business. The three of them didn't have much, and Wei Wei didn't take them seriously, so the transaction was quickly completed.

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