Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1663 It rains abundantly this autumn

Okay, Luo Bi nodded: "How long will we be busy?"

Luo Bi had had enough of being on missions all day, she wanted to go home. The reason is simple. Her parents are busy, her brother is busy, and Fengling is even busier. She spends less time with her family and feels empty.

People who love their homes have this problem. We can see it every day, but Luo Bi just feels empty.

"Based on the current combat situation, the mission cannot end in a while." Fengling suddenly realized something and looked at Luo Bi with a flash of her eyes: "There is a tent here. Don't go home at night."

Fengling was very distressed because she made her so clingy but had no time to accompany her. After lunch, she took her into her arms and said, "I feel uninspired in the afternoon if I don't take a nap. You can take a nap and I'll stay with you."

Luo Bi leaned on the man's chest and closed her eyes. She thought she couldn't fall asleep, but she fell asleep quickly. It started to rain again in the afternoon. Fengling carried someone into the tent. Wen Xiao had nothing to do. He wanted to call Fengling several times but Wen Yao stopped him.

The rain fell harder and harder, followed by lightning and thunder.

The flowers, plants and trees were blown around, and from time to time you could hear the sound of trees breaking. Several people stood in the temporary restaurant watching the rain and discussing this year's weather. Obviously, there has been too much rain this autumn.

Luo Bi slept for more than half an hour. Even though Fengling was reluctant, she still woke her up: "Wen Yao and the others are waiting. I'll go fight first. You stay in the tent for a while. It's easy to catch a cold just after you wake up."

Luo Bi nodded obediently: "Just go ahead."

Fengling came out of the tent. The eight men held swords in their hands and quickly entered combat mode. Controlling the wind speed, I threw a Royal Pig, a Red Chicken Monster, and a Falcon Beast to Qingyao Star.

Qing Yaoxing picked up whatever came over. Consuls Pei Jing, Mr. Zhu, Wei Wei, and Jiang Yixin each led a team, located in the four directions of east, west, north, and south, and killed the monsters one by one.

When the rain stopped, Tang Shao, Wei Yang, and He Weiqing, who had taken shelter from the rain, went to the bamboo forest by the Xun River again. They have figured out that there are ginseng insects in the bamboo forest, but they are not found in all bamboo forests. They can only be found in the bamboo forest near the edge of the flood river.

Another condition is that the soil must be sandy soil.

Li Feng carried a bucket of ginseng back, and Lieutenant General Mi Yue knew it soon. He made a mental calculation and sent a team of fifty people to Cuizhuxing to help dig up ginseng as soon as it got dark.

Roger had been ready for a long time. He ordered a hundred sergeants and rushed towards the bamboo forest by the flood river.

"You guys are here." Tang Shao and others were already waiting impatiently. He waved his shovel and said, "Hurry up and dig. They are all ginseng that are more than three years old. I think we can dig almost everything in one night."

"So many ginseng?" Roger was shocked, and he ordered people to start hurriedly: "Damn it, hurry up and dig, move fast, the ginseng you picked up for free, no matter how much you dig up, you will make money in vain."

The sergeants used their shovels to dig up the ginseng worms as if they had been given blood. Colonel Luo was right, this was a good thing that was picked up for free. Every time you dug one up, you made money.

Roger was the best at digging ginseng at night. He didn't dare to turn on the bright light. More than a hundred people had bright eyes. They scooped up ginseng one by one with a shovel. The more they dug, the more excited they became. These are all interstellar coins.

After everyone dug out a bamboo forest, they moved on to another bamboo forest. They were all very energetic in the middle of the night.

After rummaging through the bamboo forest with ginseng insects, Roger led the team to search for the second time. If two times didn't work, then three times. They had to dig out everything.

The level of madness is jaw-dropping.

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