Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1664 with a string of small fireballs

The edge of the planet of Green Bamboo Star has not been completely controlled. At dawn, Roger led the team to rummage the nearby bamboo forest several times.

The harvest of ginseng this time was astonishing, and with the number of people in the combat team, it could take a long time.

Is the combat team headed by the Zhihuang Star Garrison needed?

They have already replenished eight types of abalone and river fresh food, but they obviously have no need for this.

Selling is impossible. People like Fengling and Luojie each have their own power. The worst thing is that there is still the First Legion of Zhihuang Star waiting for supplies. Therefore, after digging up the ginseng all night and distributing it, there was not much left.

The remaining supplies are enough to last several combat teams for several days. What if we replenish the Babao River fresh food? What they dug themselves, natural interests come first. No one has too much of a good thing, eat it first and then talk about it.

Luo Bi couldn't see Shen Chong appearing on the dining table, Feng Ling reminded the others that Wen Yao took people to the temporary restaurant on the main battlefield for a meal, Luo Bi discovered Shen Chong, everyone will use some not Too much.

He Xiang, Wei Zi and Qin Cui came to Luo Bi and asked her to collect supplies together.

"Let's go to the south of the edge planet, there are more spiritual plants there." Wei Tiao was well-informed, and said everything he knew: "Yesterday Wenfei found more than a dozen high-level spiritual plants there, and I heard that there are still rare plants. Let’s try our luck with the Cuiyu Grass.”

Qin Cui also said: "Let's go together!"

Luo Bi was not very interested: "I won't go."

The three people gave some more advice, got on the hovercar and left.

After breakfast, Fengling took the opportunity to go to Qing Yaoxing Supermarket and bought several bags of snacks for Luo Bi. The snack bag is placed on the floating car. Luo Bi can take it out whenever she wants to eat.

After Luo Bi was settled, Wen Yao and the others came back, Fengling and Wen Xiao led the team to continue fighting.

Luo Bi sat on a small bench and watched. For more than half an hour, Feng Ling and the others threw ten concubine pigs to Qingyao Xing. This was when they were full of energy in the morning. After half a day, the combat effect would be greatly reduced.

It was raining lightly. Tang Shao went to Qingyao Star to deliver ginseng and worms. When he came back at ten o'clock, his whole face was black.

The spoons were so noisy that when Tang Shao went to Qingyao Star, they all followed them with cheers, but ended up running away together when they got there. Tang Lao Lao led a ladle and ran south, while Xun Lao Lao ran by himself, followed by another ladle.

He Yun's He Shaozi and Bai Yan's Yan Shaozi headed east and the other north, Tang Shao chased them and ran away, Wen Yao's little fireballs followed suit and ran away with a bunch of little fireballs.

Tang Shao couldn't handle it all, so Lieutenant General Mi Yue led a team to help, and then all the spoons were recovered.

After this, Tang Shao also saw that except for Qin Yilang, Luo Jie, and Xue Yue's spoons, everyone else's spoons were enlightened. The kind of people who are ignorant and understanding are not without intelligence. You can still see it if you look closely. The most clever one is the soup ladle.

However, no matter whether they are smart or ignorant, they are not easy to worry about. They like to go into the woods to pick up things when they are not doing serious things. Souplao picked up half of the wood and threw it onto Tang Shao's military hover vehicle with a bang.

Tang Shao's head was full of black lines. He threw the wood out of the car without saying a word, picked up the soup ladle and threw it in again.

The wood was half a foot long, heavy and strong, and when it was thrown in, the car seat was covered with broken wood and dirt.

Tang Shao: "······."

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