Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1665 Laughing Angrily

Luo Bi ran over to watch the excitement, she likes to watch others suffer, Tang Shao glanced at the suspension vehicle, trying to reason with the spoon: "You can't put wood on the military suspension vehicle, you have to be obedient, look at the flame spoon, never use wood Smash your own car."

Everyone knows that Flame Spoon is obedient and sensible.

Luo Bi reminded from the side: "My brother didn't drive a hover car."

Therefore, the flaming spoon cannot be hit even if it is hit with wood.

Tang Shao: "..." Just pretend he didn't hear it, that's what he said, no matter whether Hua Rankai came with a hover car or not.

Tang Shao couldn't figure out the nature of his clever spoon, and he had no experience in dealing with spoons, so he reached out and threw the piece of wood away. Luo Bi looked on with a smile, picked up the soup spoon again, and threw it back to the hover car.

Spoon is not happy.

Tang Shao hesitated, but still wanted to throw it away. Luo Bi immediately suggested to Tang Shaozi: "You lie on the wood, if you have the ability to make Adjutant Tang throw you together, don't worry, he won't dare to throw you."

Listen, is there anyone who teaches spoons like this?

That's bad!

Tang Shao was at a loss as to what to do with the ladle, and she gave an idea. Tang Shao hurriedly said: "Tang ladle, we don't listen to her. Wood can't be put on the car, and you can't throw it away. You see, other spoons don't do that."

It was too early to say this. Xun Shao also picked up a piece of wood and came back. The spoon was small and the wood was big. It seemed like a piece of wood flying in the distance.

Wen Xiao fought with a sword in his hand, and when he saw another spoon coming back to pick up wood, he couldn't help laughing: "Oh, let me go, the spoons of your two families are interesting. If you don't fight or collect supplies, it's fine, but you are so keen on picking up wood? That's good, You can build a stove at home and use wood to cook."

"Fuck you, what are you talking about?" Tang Shao scolded with a smile, turned around and saw that the soup ladle was lying on the wood, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "You didn't listen to my reasoning with you, but you listened to Luo Bi's bad idea. "

After a pause, Tang Shao said: "Okay, don't lie down on the wood. I'll keep the wood for you, don't throw it away."

While Luo Bi was laughing, the spoon climbed up and carefully placed the wood. Tang Shao also laughed, angrily, just like Luo Bi said, he couldn't throw away his spoon, he could only compromise with the spoon.

What Xun Shao picked up was a piece of dead wood, which was light in weight. Shao took it back like a treasure and placed it at Lan Xun's feet.

When Lan Xun saw that he had just opened the Lingzhi spoon, he was excited and expressionless. He lowered his head to look at the wood under his feet, and moved his hands sideways. Then, a jaw-dropping scene appeared.

The target of the eight-member combat team was originally an adult concubine pig, but when Lan Xun lost his mind, the wind element ability took away a bird of prey, not to mention a bird of prey, and took away three of the five thousand combat elites in mid-air. one part.

With a "swish", they were all thrown to Qingyao Star.

This operation was completely beyond everyone's expectations. They were all shocked and did not move for a long time. Damn, they have been playing with swords all year round, but they didn't know that the sword's slanting is so miraculous.

It was just an unexpected move, and it would be impossible to play again.

Xun Shaozi and Tang Shaozi left together, and then the other spoons came back one after another. Yan Shaozi found Bai Yan who was fighting, and stuffed a handful of plant seeds he had found into Bai Yan's pocket.

Bai Yan was focused on fighting and didn't care. Yan spoon went out one after another, collected the seeds and stuffed them into Bai Yan's pocket. He collected half of the bag in the whole morning.

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