Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1666 Farming

At noon, Wen Yao and He Yun came over to have dinner, and they were speechless after talking to each other.

Five Spoons, Zhan Spoons, Orange Spoons, and Flame Spoons are all focused on killing strange beasts and collecting supplies, and their little abacus is running smoothly. Soup ladles, Yan ladles, Xun ladles, and He ladles are good. He likes to pick up wood and collect plant seeds.

This hobby is really weird and has nothing to compare with the combat ability of the formation weapon.

That's all for the spoons, Wenyao's little Huoqiu also followed suit. He is not keen on cooking now, and he enjoys following a group of spoons to collect plant seeds.

"Is this an array weapon?" Wen Xiao doubted life.

Luo Jie was amazed: "I've seen an array with spiritual wisdom activated. There is no one like this. Wen Yao, you don't care about your little fireball. This is crazy. Does it still know that it is an array?"

Wen Yao said indifferently: "I think it's pretty good."

Come on, Roger won’t say anything anymore. Wen Yao thinks it’s okay and whatever he says is redundant.

Bai Yan took out a handful of plant seeds from the pocket of his military uniform, hesitating whether to throw them away, but Wu Shao kindly reminded: "You'd better not throw them away, be careful of your spoon and your anxiety."

Bai Yan listened to Wu Shao's words and stopped throwing it away. Tang Shao had just said that he threw away the wood that the soup ladle had picked up, and the soup ladle immediately picked it up. Plant seeds are different from wood. It is difficult to pick them up when thrown out. Bai Yan is reluctant to use his own spoon.

He Yun and the others were very surprised to find the new intelligence-enhancing spoons, and asked Luo Bi to make a shirt for the spoons. Luo Bi agreed, went home to cut fabrics at night, made a shirt and brought it to Cuizhuxing the next day.

There is no one who doesn't like the shirt, and the little pocket is so beautiful when you touch it.

When they were fresh enough, the spoons dispersed in a hurry and went to collect plant seeds in the forest.

Wei Tiao came to call Luo Bi again, but Luo Bi didn't go, and walked around the small rocky mountain eating dried fish, wondering how to collect as much supplies as possible. She doesn't like a few baskets of mushrooms a day, and she is robbed of fishing for small fish and shrimps. She needs to think about what to do next.

Into the bamboo forest?

Tried it, harvested a few baskets of mushrooms, just a drop in the bucket.

Fishing for river food?

No, no, she has no fighting power, and she is obviously no match for red claw crabs, blue crabs and the like.

Luo Bi thought about it, and suddenly found that Xun Shaozi was weeding. This grassland is not big, about two square meters. Xun pulled out the grass with a spoon, threw it aside after pulling it clean, and then took a small shovel to dig the soil.

Have you reached a new level of play again?

It can’t be farming! See what it can do.

Luo Bi was amused, and went for a stroll elsewhere, and then she heard that Zhou Ya and Jiang Qianran had gained a lot of good things. Not only Zhou Ya and Jiang Qianran, but also others, everyone has their own gains.

When Robbie heard this, she immediately lost her temper. After thinking about it, she came up with an idea. Whether it works or not, let's try it first.

Luo Bi was short-tempered, so she went to find Feng Ling when she had made up her mind, and she took out a small bamboo basket: "Feng Ling, you introduced abilities into the small bamboo basket, I want to play with it."

"How many people's abilities do you need?" Feng Ling asked.

Luo Bi compared and said, "The abilities of the five people should be about the same."

The combat team rested temporarily, Feng Ling took the small wicker basket and threw it up, and joined forces with Wen Yao, He Yun, Wu Shao, and Hua Ran to introduce supernatural powers. The small bamboo basket absorbed the supernatural energy and instantly grew to the size of the desktop.

Robbie glanced at it, it was a little big, but it was okay.

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