Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1667 A palm-sized spoon

Luo Bi took out five more small wicker baskets with handles and handed one out first: "This kind of superpower can be used by two people or three people. I am not strong enough, so I don't need a big one."

Fengling didn't ask Luo Bi what she wanted to do. Wen Yao took the basket and teamed up with Wu Shao and Hua Ran to introduce the superpower.

After absorbing the supernatural power, the small wicker baskets grew to the size of a backpack. Because of the handles, the wicker baskets could not be placed one by one. Luo Bi put a cushion on them and lifted them one by one to the side and stacked them together.

Fengling didn't ask, but Wen Xiao did. He carried the two baskets at the back, fiddled with them and asked, "What is the use of this small basket that cannot be attacked? What are you going to do?"

Luo Bi didn't hide anything and replied: "Catch river fresh food."

Wen Xiao imagined for a moment that the small bamboo basket array must be operated manually, and there was almost no possibility of catching river fresh food by throwing it out. He was a little unconcerned and pointed in the direction of the Xun River to make some suggestions.

"Going one mile south from this location, there are fewer aggressive river fish in that section of the river. If you don't bring the Thunder Flame Warriors to help, you'd better go fishing there." Wen Xiao thought for a moment and said, "That's you. That section of the river where you catch small fish and shrimps.”

Luo Bi listened attentively, and Fengling came over and said, "Let Tang Shao go with you."

"No need now, call him when I need to use the Thunder Flame Warrior." Luo Bi raised his finger and pointed in the direction Wen Xiao just mentioned, and asked: "There are too few offensive rivers in that section of the Flood River, so what kind of river is that?" Does Duan have a lot of offensive types? Tell me about it, I know it well."

Wen Xiao didn't do what he thought: "The further south you go, the more aggressive river creatures there are in the Honghe River."

The others waited for a while, and Wu Shao called out: "Fengling, Wen Xiao, it's time to fight."

Luo Bi stopped taking up Fengling's time and waved her hand: "Go and do your work! Don't worry about me."

She was just joking. It was unknown whether she would succeed or not, so it meant delaying the combat team's operations. Fengling knew that the reserve season would not be the same as before, so she gave Luo Bi a few words and asked Wen Xiao to return to the team to fight together.

Xun LaoBo was busy plowing the ground, and when the shovel was shallow, he threw it away and changed its head.

It's just a spoon as big as the palm of your hand, and it looks awkward when you hold it on your head. Luo Bi guessed that it wouldn't be able to lift it, but it turned out that not only could she lift it, but she could also turn it over with her head.

Luo Bi found a small head from the storage bracelet and gave it to Xun Spoon. Xun Spoon immediately threw it away. Although the head Luo Bi gave it was not small, it was already small in comparison.

Luo Bi first called Mrs. Zhu, and when the other party connected, she asked: "Aunt Zhu, I'm going to the Fenhe River to catch river freshwater. Are you going?"

"We have just arrived at our destination." Madam Zhu was considering which direction to go. Zhou Ya and others had already dispersed. Several sisters-in-law of the Zhu family were waiting aside, picking up mushrooms. Madam Zhu discussed: "One day It's not a short journey here, can you go tomorrow? I'll accompany you to catch river fish tomorrow."

Mrs. Zhu is not very interested in river fish. Women have no fighting ability, so they will probably not get anything good from catching river fish. Rather than a few small fish and shrimps, it is better to harvest more materials in the mountains and forests.

But Luo Bi asked, and Mrs. Zhu thought it would be okay to catch river fresh food, but she was hesitant and didn't want to leave as soon as she came.

"We'll see then. I'll go first later. If I can't catch the river fish, forget it." Luo Bi could probably guess what Mrs. Zhu was thinking. She hung up the phone and thought for a while, then dialed Qin Cui's phone.

If Qin Cui didn't go, she would ask someone else if Mrs. Huang was interested.

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