Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1671: Being knocked unconscious once is not enough

Qin Cui also shouted: "The river fresh food hasn't slowed down yet, hurry up and catch another basket."

"Don't catch it, it's been a while, maybe Hexian will recover at some point." Luo Bi was not at ease, pinched the little mud ball and prepared to throw it, and reminded: "I threw it! You do it!" Be prepared."

"Throw it, throw it!" Qin Cui heard the same thing, put his hands on the fish on the ground and hugged it into the basin: "You're right, be careful, these aggressive fish are not good stubble, blow us out first Throw the basket again."

"Get ready, go ahead and throw it!" Wei Zi held the basket in his hand, ready to throw it out at any time.

Luo Bi exerted all her strength and threw it out, only to hear a "boom", the little mud ball blew up the river again, splashing water everywhere, the area was so large that it was not as powerful as the little mud ball at all.

The river fish here were also unlucky. Being knocked unconscious once was not enough. They were blown out of the water again while they were still dizzy.

Flying up and falling again, it was so ecstatic.

Wei Tiao reacted quickly and threw the wicker basket out. As soon as the rope was pulled, a lot of river fish was caught.

Luo Bi didn't catch up. It wasn't because she was slow, but because He Xiang and Qin Cui were too fierce. Luo Bi never had that kind of energy in her life.

"Just get out of the way, just the three of us." Qin Cui waved his hand.

Luo Bi stepped aside, it was better not to use her. When the wicker basket filled with river fresh food was dragged ashore, Luo Bi kicked it. Next, Wei Zi threw several more baskets. He Xiang and Qin Cui were too busy. They were picking up the river fresh food on the ground and helping to drag the baskets, their faces flushed.

Blushing is both tired and exciting. Women have no fighting ability and are a hindrance every time they go on a mission. This time, there was no need for Thunder Flame warriors. The women also caught river fresh food, and they howled excitedly just thinking about it.

Luo Bi tried to help several times, but was stopped by three people. Wei Zi said no need.

A lot of freshwater fish were scattered on the ground. Luo Bi picked them up and threw them into the bucket, then tied them to wicker baskets with refined ropes, and asked loudly, "I made another basket, who will use it?"

"Give it to me." Wei Zi ran over, tied one end of the rope to the big tree before, returned to the river and divided it up, one for each of the three wicker baskets.

With Wei Tiao's strength, he could pull a wicker basket, but He Xiang and Qin Cui couldn't. A basket of fresh fish weighed dozens of catties, and it was very difficult for people who don't usually do rough work to hold on to the rope.

The basket of river fresh food was heavier than them, and He Xiang slipped while holding on to the rope, causing He Xiang to fall.

"I'm here to help you." Luo Bi was startled, ran over and pulled the rope back.

The two worked together to drag a basket of freshwater fish ashore. Luo Bi gave a kick and He Xiang hurriedly helped Qin Cui. Qin Cui had already dragged the wicker basket to the bank, and He Xiang and Luo Bi joined hands and dragged it up.

Wei Tzu refused to let anyone help him, and caught basket after basket, even if he couldn't pull any less. A batch of river fresh fish on the water surface is like picking up for nothing. As long as you have the strength, grab the rope and pull it, you can catch a basket full of river fresh fish, and most of them will fall out.

If you fall into the river, you will lose it. If you fall on the bank, you must not let go. Pick them all up.

It's all like this, who can hold their breath, Wei Tiao and He Xiang Qin Cui are as if they have been beaten with chicken blood.

At noon, Robbie threw another small mud ball towards the water and asked everyone what they had for lunch. Luo Bi could see it, she didn't mention it, the three of them forgot to eat.

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